Questions of Conservation and Restoration

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a) To be able to understand the concept of heritage and to see its historical evolution;

b) Contrast the theories of stylistic restoration with the refusal of restoration and modern restoration, up to the most recent contributions by contemporary authors;

c) Know the international charters and laws for the protection and appreciation of assets;

d) Distinguish between the concepts of Preservation, Conservation and Restoration;

e) Correctly apply the concepts of Preventive Conservation, Curative Conservation and Restoration;

f) Identify specific problems and procedures relating to the different fields of conservation and restoration intervention;

g) Know the ethical principles, codes of ethics for conservation and restoration as well as the recommendations of conservation and restoration professional bodies (E.C.C.O.).


1. The concept of cultural heritage and primary conservation instruments

2. Conservation and restoration theory

3. Contemporary conservation and restoration theory and new problems

4. Concepts of preventive and curative conservation

5. Approaches to the conservation and restoration of movable and integrated heritage in the Azores

6. Current panorama on conservation and restoration issues



Teaching Methodologies

The methods to be adopted in the classes involve the combining explanation of content, supported and substantiated in the analysis and interpretation of images and texts with the survey questions addressed to students or placed on the clarification of these. In the theoretical and practical component we will discuss, analyze and awaken students to the knowledge and reflection on themes that integrate the various subjects, as well as providing lines of inquiry that can support the development of practical work.


BRANDI, Cesare. Teoria del restauro. Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1977

CALVO, Ana. 1997. Conservación y restauratión. Materiales, técnicas y procedimientos de le A a la Z. Barcelona, Editiones del Serbal.

CASANOVAS, Luís.1998.  «A conservação preventiva: o conceito, a sua evolução e enquadramento. A classificação dos factores de degradação.», In Boletim do Centro de Estudo, Conservação e Restauro dos Açores, Nº1, Angra do Heroísmo, Direção Regional da Cultura.

CONSERVAÇÃO E RESTAURO no Instituto José de Figueiredo. 1987. Instituto Português do Património Cultural. Secretaria de Estado da Cultura.

GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, Ignacio, 2006. Conservación de Bienes Culturales: teoría, historia, principios y normas, Madrid: Cátedra. D 7.025 G645c - 113205. - Sala 1(azul)

GUILLEMARD, Denis; LAROQUE, Claude.1999. Manuel de conservation préventive – Gestion et controle des collections. 2º ed. Dijon, OCIM et DRAC.

LOPES, F. 2012. Património Arquitetónico e Arqueológico: noção e normas de proteção. Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.

MIGUEL, Ana Maria Macarrón, 2002. Historia de la Conservación y la Restauración desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XX, Madrid: Tecnos. SD 7.025 M113h - 107940. - Sala 1 (azul)

Temas de Museologia, 2007. Plano de Conservação Preventiva. Bases orientadoras, normas e procedimentos. Lisboa, Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação.

TOMÉ, M., 2002. Património e restauro em Portugal (1920-1995). Porto: Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Research work: 80%
  • Work done during the seminars: 20%