Quantitative Methods for Economics and Management

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The discipline of Quantitative Methods covers a wide range of statistical techniques both in terms of descriptive statistics as in terms of statistical inference and estimation. Students should be able to understand the different statistical techniques and to use SPSS in its implementation, becoming able to develop a research project.


1. Introduction.

2. Descriptive statistics.

3. Statistical inference.

4. Comparison of counts and proportions.

5. Parametric tests to compare populations from independent samples and paired samples.

6. Nonparametric tests to compare populations from independent samples and paired samples.

7. Principal components analysis.

8. Factor analysis.

9. Cluster Analysis.

10. Multidimensional scaling.

11. Discriminant analysis

12. Linear Regression

13. Categorical Regression

Teaching Methodologies

Placing the emphasis on the practical component it is also made a theoretical introduction of each of the themes, presenting the notation and some of the most important proofs. The presentation of different techniques is made with the help of SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.


Maroco, J. (2007). Análise estatística com a utilização do SPSS, Edições Sílabo, 3ª Edição.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 50%
  • Practical work: 50%