Data Analysis

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It is intended that the students acquire skills in sampling methods, survey research, and methods of data analysis.

Students who complete successfully this curricular unit should be able to:

1. Know and understand the main sampling methods and various methods of data analysis (including some methods of multivariate data analysis);

2. Design and conduct a successful survey research;

3. Select and apply the suited statistical tools according with the research questions and the nature of the collected data;

4. Perform data analyses (including multivariate data analysis) using appropriate software (eg., SPSS, EXCEL); Interpret results from research;

5. Critically evaluate the methodological procedures used.


1. Sampling and Survey Research
2. Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
3. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
4. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
5. Correspondence Factor Analysis. Relation between Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence Factor
6. Cluster Analysis: Agglomerative Hierarchical Methods. Nonhierarchical Method: k-means.
7. Regression Analysis: Linear Regression (Simple and Multiple)

Teaching Methodologies

Methodologies based on exposure of the teacher are applied resorting to computer applications (eg., SPSS, EXCEL). In the theoretical lessons all taught contents are immediately followed by examples of application for a better understanding of such contents.

In the practical lessons, students are challenged to solve problems and case studies. The teacher monitors the students in solving problems, encouraging the discussion of the methodological procedures and of the obtained results.


BRYMAN, Alan e Cramer, Ducan (1992), Análise de dados em ciências Sociais, introdução às técnicas utilizando o SPSS, Lisboa, Celta.

EVERITT, Brian S. e Dunn, Graham (2001), Applied Multivariate Data Analysis; Edward Arnold: London.

HILL, Manuela Magalhães e Hill Andrew (2000), Investigação por questionário, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo.

JOHNSON, Richard A. e Wichern, Dean W. (2002) “Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis”; Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River.

RAMOS, Madalena e Mário Barroso (2001), Métodos Quantitativos para as ciências sociais, Lisboa, edições Sílabo.

REIS, Elizabeth, Estatística Multivariada aplicada (2001), 2ª ed., Lisboa, Edições Sílabo.

MAROCO, João (2003) “Análise Estatística - Com utilização do SPSS”; Sílabo: Lisboa.

PESTANA, M. Helena; Gageiro, J. Nunes (1998) “Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais. A Complementaridade do SPSS”; Edições Sílabo: Lisboa.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 100%