Euro-Atlantic Foreign Policy

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The main objectives are related to refering the students the most important events related to NATO and its development and Transatlantic Relations. We also take into consideration the bilateral relationship between Portugal and the United States of America.


The main consequences of the Second World War for Europe and the world.
The Treaty of Washington and the creation of NATO.
The bipolarization of International Relations and the creation of a new world order.
Transatlantic Relations during and after the Cold War.
The Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common European Defense Policy.

Teaching Methodologies

First of all, the professor makes a general introduction of the topic to be discussed that day and asks, afterwards, the students to make comments on that specific topic, after reading the materials that were assigned in the previous class. It is fundamental to have discussions in class between the students and the professor.


ANDRADE, Luís, Os Açores e os Desafios da Política Internacional, Assembleia Legislativa Regional dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 2002.

BRZEZINSKI, Zbigniew, The Choice – Global Domination or Global Leadership, Basic Books, New York, 2004.

MAGALHÃES, J. Calvet de, “Portugal e os Estados Unidos – relações no domínio da Defesa,(policopiado), sem data.

NATO 2020, Assured Security; Dynamic Engagement – Analysis and Recommendations of the Group of Experts on a New Strategic Concept for NATO, Brussels, May, 2010.

POTÊNCIAS Emergentes e Relações Transatlânticas, FLAD, Lisboa, 2012.

RELAÇÕES Transatlânticas – Europa-EUA, Publicações D. Quixote, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2004.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 50%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 50%