Political and Economic geography

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1. Acquisition of the political geography and geopolitics notions;

2. Acquisition of knowledge about the economic blocs, countries in the EU, enlargements, institutions, treaties and European policy;

3. Familiarization with the instruments of the European Union Regional Development and Portugal Structural Funds.


1. Political Geography and Geopolitics

1.1. Definition

1.2. Spatial Analysis

1.3. National identity

1.3.1. Nationalism, supra nationalism and International Organizations

1.4. Globalization

1.5. World Political Systems

2. Economic blocks

2.1. MERCOSUR, NAFTA, the Andean Pact, APEC, EU

2.2. EU

2.2.1. European Union Countries

2.2.2. The Flares

2.2.3. The objectives

2.2.4. Institutions of U.E.

2.2.5. The Treaties

2.2.6. A European Policy for the Tourism sector

3. The Instruments of Regional Development of the European Union to Portugal

4. The Structural Funds

4.1. European Regional Development Fund

4.2. European Social Fund

4.3. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies used are based on expository methods of theoretical content. The teaching method is mostly classroom, but can co-exist moments of e-learning platform by using Moodle to guide discussion of some specific content.


Costa, W., Geografia Politica e Geopolítica: Discursos sobre Território e o Poder, 2ªed. Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2008.

Hooson, D. Geography and national Identity, ed. Oxford:Blackwell, 1994.

Taylor, P. Political Geography: world economy, nation sate and locality, 2nd ed. New York: Longman Scientific and Technical, 1989.

Schmidt, W., Esteves, J. (trad.) Geografia Económica, 5ª ed. Barcelona: Ed. Labor, 1995.

Boyce, R. The Bases of economic geography, New York:Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1974.

Cole, J.P. Geography of world affaires, 6th ed. Lond:Butterworths, 1987.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Apresentation of 3-review scientific papers: 35%
  • Discussion of 3-review scientific papers: 15%
  • Elaboration of 3-review scientific papers: 50%