Tourism and Heritage Values

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Equip students with knowledge related to the strategies adopted for the tourism sector both nationally as well as regionally, sensitizing them to the importance of existing assets as a contribution to increase the average stay and reduced seasonality through its integration with the development of packages, itineraries and tourist routes; At the end, it is expected from them to identify existing tourism products in the RAA, having mastery of technical language and creating tourism products in Nature Tourism and in Cultural and Landscape Touring.


1. Tourism in the Azores: Its evolution, Analysis and Characterization;

2. Strategies for National and Regional Tourism (PENT, POTRAA, Marketing Plan and PEAT)

3. Strategic Tourism Products for RAA in accordance with PENT and POTRAA Plans;

4. Nature Tourism

4.1. Characterization of the Nature Tourism tourist;

4.2. Differentiating strategies for RAA

4.3. Important Markets for the region

5. Touring Cultural and Landscape

6. Azores Geopark

7. Basic principles for creating a Route

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical program of discipline is organized into thematic blocks and is supported in regular classes and projections of the topics of materials as well as allusive graphics and the presence of people invited to bring and share their knowledge of the different areas covered. The practical component will be mainly dedicated to the creation of a thematic route using the knowledge acquired during the course.


SILVA, Francisco, ALMEIDA, Mª do Céu (2011) – Plano Estratégico de Animação Turística para os Açores, Associação Regional de Turismo

SILVA, Francisco, TOSTE, José, LEANDRO, Cátia (2013) - Contributos para a Valorização do Touring Cultural e Paisagístico nos Açores, Revista Atlântida, IAC

SREA. (2007). Estudo sobre os turistas que visitam os Açores: 2005-2006. Angra do Heroísmo: Serviço Regional de Estatística dos Açores;

Turismo de Portugal (2007) PENT – Plano Estratégico Nacional para o Turismo

OMT – Código Mundial de Ética para o Turismo



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 40%
  • Practical work: 60%