Demographic and Social Dynamics

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The focus of curricular unit is more on the social consequences of the demographic dynamics that in this specific analysis. In this sense, it is intended that students acquire the ability to analyze some of the major consequences of the demographic changes that are felt today in all societies and their consequences in various social groups , especially in the European world in which we stand , giving special attention to the situation in Portugal , in general, and the Azores in particular. Therefore, students need to meet a wide range of social demographic information sources, both international, national , regional and acquire skills in handling and interpretation of data and indicators in the various points raised in the program .

The topics that will be addressed include or provide the essential support to the majority of public policy, including social policy and give particular emphasis to social and territorial inequalities.


1. Demographic Dynamics and Mobility

1.1. International migration: emigration and immigration

1.2. Internal mobility

2. Demographic Dynamics, territorial inequalities and population attraction

2.1. Population and power

2.2. European Perspective: the Portuguese case

2.3. The island: the case of the Azores

3. Population dynamics and life courses

3.1. Familiar contexts

3.2. Professional contexts

Teaching Methodologies

Classes, theoretical-practical, have a theoretical and reflective in which is added the identification and application to concrete situations. Discuss shall still texts and research carried out by students of academic time, whose elements will be previously indicated or available.

It is intended that the bibliography below, as well as statistical information relating to the themes in the program is complemented by the students, counting on the support of the teacher.


BANDEIRA, Mário Leston, Demografia e Modernidade – Família e Transição Demográfica em Portugal, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, 1996.

CASELLI, Graziella, VALLIN, Jacques, WUNSCH, Guillaume (2004) Démographie : analyse et synthèse (Direcção) – VI Population et Societé, Paris, INED/PUF.

CASELLI, G., VALLIN, J., WUNSCH, G. (2003), Démographie: analyse et synthèse – IV Les déterminants de la migration, Paris, INED/PUF.

FAIRBAIRN. J. (2007), “Economic vulnerability and resilience of small island states”, Island Studies Journal, Vol. 2, N.º 1, pp. 133-140.

ROCHA, G. P. N., MENDES, D. "Experiências da emigração açoriana", (2012) in Portuguese Studies Review, nº20 (2):33-58.

NAZARETH, J. Manuel (2009), Crescer e Envelhecer – constrangimentos e oportunidades do envelhecimento demográfico, Lisboa, Ed. Presença.

VÉRON, J., PEENEC, S., LÉGARÉ, J., (2007), Ages, generations and social contract, Nethertlands, Springer.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 10 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Survey of empirical data: 50%
  • Theoretical reflection on a theme: 50%