French III

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By the end of the semester, students should have attained the B1.1 level, according to the CEFRL. 

1.Listening: understand an oral statement of some complexity and synthesise it, without reproducing it;

2. Speaking: engage in a conversation, expressing their opinions and commenting on relatively complex situations or events;

3. Reading: understand a quite complex text and comment on it or synthesise it, without reproducing it;

4. Writing: be autonomous in the way they express themselves.


• Grammar :

Simple relative pronouns.

Demonstrative and relative pronouns.

Personal pronouns, Direct and indirect complemnt.

The comparative sentence.

The values of the verbal tenses of the past (passé composé, imparfait de l’indicatif e plus-que-parfait) and

agreement between them.

The simple future and the near future.

The conditional and the hypothetical sentence.

The periphrastic forma and their values

The nominal sentence and nominalization.

Placing oneself in time and in space: adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions.

French phonetics in its difficulties.

Homonymy and spelling.

• Lexical fields:

The domestic world.

The universe of the working place.

The environment.

The European space. Countries and nationalities.

Money, the economy and consumption society.

Cultural activities.


The press, radio, television and the internet.

A bit of French culture.

Teaching Methodologies

Although classes are described as being theoretical-practical, the practical aspect is dominant and the teaching – learning instruments used are varied. Depending upon the difficulty of each problem faced in the language, we search for an assignment through which a solution may be found. With a view towards the constant phonetic improvement of students, reading is always present, understanding through translation into the mother tongue is constant, and grammar exercises are a pedagogical ritual in each lecture period. We also present short notes on French civilization and establish comparisons between the two cultures in presence: Portuguese and French.


Callamand, M. Grammaire vivante du français, Paris, CLE International, 1989.

Caquineau-Gündüz, M-P, Delatour, Yvonne, Jennepin, Dominique, Lesage-Langot, Françoise. Les 500 Exercices de Grammaire B1 - Livre + corrigés intégrés. Paris, Hachette, 2005.

Grégoire Maïa et Odile Thiévenaz. Grammaire progressive du français : niveau intermédiaire. Paris, CLE International, 2003.

Leroy-Miquel Claire et Goliot-Lété. Vocabulaire progressif du français : niveau intermédiaire. Paris, CLE International, 1997.

Miquel, C. Communication progressive du français : niveau intermédiaire. Paris, CLE International, 2003.

Steele, R. Civilisation progressive du français : niveau intermédiaire. Paris :CLE International, 2002.

Petit Robert (le), Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, rédaction dirigée par Alain Rey et Josette Rey-Debove. Paris, Dictionnaires Le Robert, 1985.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 50%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%