Planning and Projects Evaluation

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The main objective of this course is to study the main methodologies of making and assess the methodologies of social intervention. The main skills to acquire by the students are:

1. To identify the main scientific and epistemological problems of social intervention;

2. To know the main methods and techniques of planning and assessment of social intervention;

3. To interpret the principal issues of the social intervention;

4. To know how to build a social intervention project.


1. The social construction of the problems.
2. The epistemological perspective of the social intervention
3. Methodologies and techniques of planning and social intervention
4. Pragmatics of social intervention.
5. Evaluation of social intervention

Teaching Methodologies

Considering the defined objectives, it was decided to undertake an approach that emphasizes the work of the student related to the main objectives of the course with the interactive use of the Moodle platform of the university, interactive lessons on the classroom and with an special attention of the relation between the students and the institutions that promote projects of social intervention.


Barbier, Jean Marie (1996) Elaboração de projetos de acção e planificação. Porto, Porto Editora

Boutinet, Jean Pierre(1987) Antropologia do projecto, Instituto Piaget

Cohen, Ernesto e Franco, Rolando (2000) Avaliação de projectos sociais. Petrópolis, Vozes

Domingues, Leonel Rodrigues(2005) Políticas sociais em mudança. O Estado, as Empresas e a Intervenção Social. Lisboa, ISCSP

Guerra, Isabel (2000) Fundamentos e processos de uma sociologia da acção. Cascais, Principia

Lenoir, Remi “Objecto sociológico e problema social” in Champagne, Patrick; Lenoir Remi, Pinto, Louis e Merllié Dominique (1995) Iniciação à prática sociológica .Petrópolis, Vozes

Muller, Pierre (1990) Les politiques publiques. Paris, PUF

Neto, João Pereira (Org.) (1995), Estratégia e planeamento na gestão e administração pública. Lisboa, ISCSP



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 60%
  • Intervention project: 40%