Medieval History

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Students should acquire / develop various generic skills, including:

1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis;

2. Ability to deal with complex information;

3. Concerns of quality and rigor;

4. Quality of written and oral expression;

5. Familiarity with the new technologies of information and communication;

6. Opening interdisciplinary;

7. Sense of initiative.

Learning should also help as to bring specific skills:

1. Comprehensive knowledge of Medieval History, is a factual level, is in the understanding;

2. Perception of social utility of knowledge of the past;

3. Scientific and technical expertise in the operation of various types of historical sources;

4. Ability to promote reflection of historical issues and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge concerning the past;

5. Ability to think autonomously on the subjects studied.


Part I - The Middle Ages: historical evolution (V-XV centuries)

1. The Late Antiquity: the division of unity

2. The Western High Middle Ages (V-X centuries)

2.1. Installation of the Barbarians (V-VII centuries)

2.2. Attempt to organize Germanic (VIII-X centuries)

3. Formation of Western Christianity (XI-XIII centuries)

3.1. Development of Christianity (agricultural and demographic progress, geographic expansion)

3.2. Urban renaissance and renewal business

3.3. Intellectual and artistic development

3.4. The Church and religion in the development of Christianity

3.5. Manorial system and feudalism

3.6. Political wrangling: the Papacy and the Empire, the United

Part II - The medieval civilization

1. "Flashes in the Night" (V-IX centuries)

2. The medieval Christendom (X-XIII centuries)

2.1. The space and time, man and God

2.2. The Christian society, a society tripartite

2.3. Mentalities and sensibilities

2.4. Material life

3. Continuities and novelties (XIV-XV centuries)

Teaching Methodologies

The expositive method is accompanied by interactive method, in order to ensure a participated and critical learning. The theoretical lessons will articulate with both the reading program the students either with the approach of informational materials of different nature, with a view to addressing multifaceted problems of history and culture. The reflection should, where possible, extend to the process of scientific development: towards understanding the foundations on which we build the knowledge concerning medieval history and the need to continually question the knowledge gained.


ARNOUX, Mathieu – Le temps des laboureurs: travail, ordre social et croissance en Europe (XIIe-XIVe siècle). S.L.: Éditions Albin Michel, 2012.
- DUBY, Georges – Economia rural e vida no campo no Ocidente medieval. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1987 [1962], 2v.
- DUTUR, Thierry – La Ciudad Medieval: orígenes y triunfo de la Europa urbana. Barcelona/Buoenos Aires/México: Paidós, 2004.
- FOURQUIN, Guy – História económica do Ocidente medieval. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1991.
- FOURQUIN, Guy – Senhorio e feudalidade na Idade Média. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1987 [1970].
- GONTHIER, Nicole – Éducation et cultures dans l'Europe occidentale chrétienne du XIIe ao milieu du XVe siècle. Paris: Ellipses, 1998.
- GUERREAU, Alain – El futuro de un pasado: la Edad Media en el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Crítica, 2002.
- HEERS, Jacques – A Idade Média, uma impostura. Lisboa: Asa, 1994 [1992].
- LÉON, Pierre (dir.) - História económica e social do mundo. Lisboa: Livraria Sá da Costa Editora, 1984 [1978], v. 1. t. I e II.
- MOUTHON, Fabrice – Les communautés rurales en Europe au Moyen Âge: un autre histoire politique du Moyen Âge. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
- PAUL, Jacques – Histoire intellectuelle de l'Occident medieval. 2ª tiragem. Paris: Armand Colin, 1998.
- PÉREZ-PRENDES, José Manuel – Instituciones Medievales. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis, D.L. 1997.
- ROSA, M.ª de Lurdes – Fazer e pensar a História Medieval hoje: guia de estudo, investigação e docência. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017 (e-book).
- WICKHAM, Chris – Europa en la Edad Media: una nueva interpretación. Trad. De T. F. Aúz e B. Eguibar. Barcelona: Crítica, 2017. Disp.: 



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • A historical text commentary or a critical analysis of a film projected in class: 50%
  • Frequency: 50%