Research Methods in Human Sciences

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The major goals of this course are students transmission of basic principles and methods of re-search, common to the vast area of the Humanities, with emphasis on the historical sciences. These basic principles and methods of investigation include the organization of literature and reading, production records, text analytics, data processing, reflection on them and their presentation.



M1. Access to data

1.1. Libraries and archives

1.2. Bibliographic search

1.2.1. Base search

1.2.2. Complementary search

1.2.3. Internet

M2. The recording and processing of data

2.1. Reading

2.2. Recording methods

2.2.1. Primary sources

2.2.2. Secondary sources The cataloguing data The plug reading The note read The form of citation

2.3. Practical methods of text analysis

2.3.1. The method of underlining / notes

2.3.2. The method of questionnaire

2.3.3. The method of the diagram

2.4. Methods of treatment

2.4.1. In tables

2.4.2. In graphs

2.4.3. Cartographic.

M3. Reflection on the data and its presentation in the form of text

3.1. Writing

3.2. The structure of the text

3.2.1. The plan

3.2.2. The introduction

3.2.3. The development plan

3.2.4. The conclusion

3.2.5. The support learned

3.2.6. Appendices

3.2.7. Sources and bibliography

3.2.8. Indexes

3.2.9. Other elements

3.2.10. The final presentation.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies Course of Research Methods in Humanities are based on a combination of the roles of teacher and student. Corresponds to the role of the teacher to carry out the lessons that develop the program content and the definition, monitoring and review of practical work. Corre-sponds to the role of monitoring the students lectures, reading the bibliography of primary and sup-plementary bibliography and performing all tasks underlying the practical work, both inside and out-side the classroom.


ECO, Umberto, Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas, 7ª ed., Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1998.

GUERRA, Hélia, et al., Mineração de texto em Humanidades, Lisboa, Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa, 2015 (em colaboração com Luís Mendes Gomes, Mário Viana e Rosa Simas).

LENCASTRE, Leonor, Leitura. A compreensão de textos, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, 2003.

MARROU, Henri-Irené, Do conhecimento histórico, s. l., Livraria Martins Fontes, Editora, s. d. (tradução portuguesa da 7ª ed. em língua francesa, de 1975).

MATTOSO, José, A escrita da história. Teoria e métodos, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1988.

MUÑOZ ORTEGA, Gregorio, e CUENCA ESTEBAN, Faustino, Técnicas de trabajo intelectual, Madrid, Editorial Escuela Española, S. A., 1984. NOUSCHI, André, Iniciação às ciências históricas, Coimbra, Livraria Almedina, 1986. S.

CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion, e PÉREZ BRIGNOLI, H., Los métodos de la historia. Introducción a los problemas, métodos y técnicas de la historia demográfica, económica y social, 7ª ed., Barcelona, Crítica, 1999.

SALMON, Pierre, História e crítica, Coimbra, Livraria Almedina, 1979.

SOUSA, Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e, Metodologia da investigação: redacção e apresentação de trabalhos científicos, Porto, Civilização, 1998



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 40%
  • Practical works defined by the teacher: 60%