Sociology of Communication

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This course introduces the main concepts, theories and approaches in the field of communicational processes in
the different analytical contexts of face to face, organizational and mass-media communication.
The student of Sociology of Communication must acquire the main concepts, theories and approaches of the
communication processes, namely in the field of social differentiated production, appropriation and distribution of
The main competences to develop are:
a) To recognise and to interpret the specificity social communicational processes in the different analytical contexts
(face-to-face, organizational and mass-media)
b) To know and to identify the main paradigms and theories in the analysis of the social communication processes
(positivism, systemic analysis, and constructivism)
c) To interpret the main sociological approaches related with the communicational phenomena


1. Introduction to the study of sociology and Sociology of Communication
1.1. The communicational process: analytical dimensions and specificities.
1.2. The main sociological paradigms and the sociology of communication.
1.3. The communicational processes as sociological object.
2. The sociological theories and the study of communication
2.1. The main theories of the sociology of communication.
2.2. The systemic approach of the communicational processes.
3. Domains and main issues in sociology of communication.
3.1. The communication in organizational context.
3.2. The sociology of mass communication.
3.3. New media and the society of information

Teaching Methodologies

Considering the defined objectives the option of the teaching methodologies was to choose a comprehensive
approach that combines expositive lectures, texts commentaries, and interactive work in the classroom. The texts
are presented in the E-learning platform of the university and a forum allows commentaries of the different students
and resolution of teaching issues on line. In this case the eLearning platform of the University is important to allow
a more accurate enlightenment of the subjects treated in the classroom.
In this context, the assessment is based on two elements substantially different in nature that includesa written
test, and an individual exercise in the classroom: 75% for first, 25% for the second element of evaluation


Bitti, Pio e Zani ,Bruna (1993) A comunicação como processo social. Lisboa, Estampa
Bourdieu, Pierre(1997) Sobre a televisão. Oeiras, Celta
savoirs. Paris, Sciences Humaines Éditions
Castells, Manuel (2000) A sociedade em rede São Paulo, Paz e Terra
Corcuff, Philippe (1997) As Novas Sociologias. Sintra, Vral
Esteves, João Pissarra (2011) Sociologia da Comunicação.Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Ferin,Isabel (2002) Comunicação e culturas do quotidiano.Lisboa, Quimera
Fleur,Melvin L.(1976) Teorias de comunicação de massa. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar
Freixo, Manuel João Vaz (2006) Teorias e modelos de comunicação, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget
Monteiro, Ana Cristina et al.. (2006) Fundamentos da comunicação. Lisboa, Edições Sílabo
Inglis, Fred (1993) A teoria dos media. Lisboa, Veja
Maigret,Éric(2003) Sociologie de la communication et des médias.Paris,Armand Colin
McLuhan, M. Understanding media: the extensions of man. New York, MacMillan, 1964
Mesquita, Mário (2004) O quarto equívoco: o poder dos media na sociedade contemporânea. Coimbra, Minerva
Morin, Edgar (1967) Cultura de massa no século XX, Rio de Janeiro , Ed. Forense
Mucchielli, Alex (2006 4ª Ed,) Les sciences de l'information et de la communication. Paris, Hachette
Neveu, Érik (2001) Sociologie du journalisme. Paris, La Decouverte
Pedler, Emmanuel (2000) Sociologie de la communication, Paris , Nathan
Rodrigues , Adriano Duarte (2010) As técnicas da comunicação e da Informação. Barcarena, Editorial Presença
Sfez, Lucien (1991) A comunicação. Lisboa, Instituto Piaget
Sorlin,Pierre (1997)Mass Media Oeiras, Celta
Traquina Nelson(2000) O poder do jornalismo, Coimbra, Minerva
Wolf,Mauro (2003)Teorias da comunicação. Lisboa, Presença



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Mini Tests: 40%
  • Frequency: 60%