Anatomy and Physiology

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Acquire knowledge about the anatomy of the main organs and systems of bodies of the human


Known, the histological level, the different types cell, the cellular constituents and the main types of tissues.

Skills to develop

Shows relevant knowledge and on basic sciences of life and ability to apply

Develops the ability to recognize and interpret normal data or changes in health/disease

Interprets adequately the objective data and their meanings, with a view to providing secure

Appreciates the data relevant for the design of nursing care

Develops the ability to judge clinically to ensure that they achieve the standards of quality and that the practice is based on evidence

Acts in order to meet their needs for continuing training


1. General Concepts
2. Histology
3. Tegumentary System
4 Skeletal System
5. Nervous System
6. The sense organs
7. Circulatory System
8. Respiratory
9. Digestive Tract
10. Urinary Apparatus
11. Apparatus Genital
12. Endocrine

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology to be used is based on expositive sessions of content with use of the projection of audiovisual media. During these sessions will be made questioning assets of students with the aim to encourage their participation and reflection on the contents. Key-points in the field, we will choose the resolution of questionnaires/worksheets during the lesson and/or study time autonomous aimed at consolidating the content previously dealt with. In the center of documentation of the Superior School of Nursing of Ponta Delgada available a dossier to support the students with material related to the integral component curricular this unit.


Herlihy, B., & Maebius, N. (2002). Anatomia e fisiologia do corpo humano saudável e enfermo. São Paulo: Manole.

Junqueira, L.; & Carneiro, J. (1990). Histologia básica (7ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara, 1990.

Netter, F. (2004). Atlas de anatomia humana (3ª ed.). Porto Alegre: Artmed.

Perlemuter, L. (coord.) (2001). Anatomia e fisiologia para os cuidados de enfermagem (2ª ed.). Loures: Lusociência.

Putz, R., & Pabst, R. (Ed.) (2000). Sobotta: atlas de anatomia humana (21ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.

Rohen, J.; Yokochi, C.; & Lutjen-Drecoll, E. (1998). Anatomia humana (4ª ed.). São Paulo: Manole.

Seeley, R.; Stephens, T.; & TATE, P. (2005). Anatomia & fisiologia (6ª ed.). Loures: Lusodidacta.

Tate, P.; Kennedy, J.; & Seeley, R. (2005) Guia de estudo para utilização com anatomia e fisiologia (6ª ed.). Loures: Lusociência.

Vigue, J. (Dir.) (2004). Atlas do corpo humano. Lisboa: Climepsi.



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 46 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 44 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 75%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 25%