Portuguese Language I

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1. To communicate accurately and appropriately in speech and writing.

2. To recognize the linguistic varieties and registers of Portuguese, in particular the role played by the standard variety.

3. To identify and to use several grammatical constructions of Portuguese.

4. To distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences.

5. To know how to use the linguistic normalisation resources.


1. Linguistic norm and linguistic mistakes.

1.1 Varieties, registers and the standard variety; the preference for one variety.

1.2. The distinction between linguistic variety and linguistic mistake.

2. Orthography, punctuation and grammar.

2.1. Spelling, hyphenation and punctuation rules.

2.2. Morphology: noun, verb, and adjective inflection.

2.3. Syntax: grammatical relations, coordination and subordination.

3. Problematic areas in Portuguese.

3.1. Argument structures.

3.2. Clitic personal pronouns.

Teaching Methodologies

Língua Portuguesa I is a theoretical-practical course unit. It has an important theoretical component – which includes the presentation of the main theoretical concepts – and a strong practical component, where students are asked to solve multiple exercises and to write texts. Students are evaluated on the basis of their performance of mandatory assigned duties (mandatory readings and written homework) and on their performance in written tests.


CUNHA, Celso e L. F. Lindley Cintra, 1984, Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa.

NOGUEIRA, Rodrigo de Sá, 1982, Dicionário de Verbos Conjugados. 7.ª ed. Lisboa: Livraria Clássica Editora.

PERES, João e Telmo Móia, 1995, Áreas Críticas da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Dicionário de Termos Linguísticos – Associação Portuguesa de Linguística http://www.ait.pt/recursos/dic_term_ling/index2.htm

Dicionário de Termos Linguísticos – APL e ILTEC*


(*Versão online de XAVIER, M. F. e M. H. Mateus (org.) (1990). Dicionário de Termos Linguísticos, Associação Portuguesa de Linguística e Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional, Vol. I, Lisboa: Ed. Cosmos e de XAVIER, M. F. e M. H. Mateus (org.) (1992). Dicionário de Termos Linguísticos, Associação Portuguesa de Linguística e Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional, Vol. II, Lisboa: Ed. Cosmos).



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 10%