Invertebrate Biology

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To contextualize biodiversity in time; to recognize the variability/morphological and anatomical unity of the various Metazoa phyla; to integrate knowledge so as to identify patterns of evolution.

Also, it is intended that the students:

1. Develop capacities for synthesis;

2. Develop expositive skills before large audience:

3. Develop skills to search for bibliography (on real or virtual support)

4. Master expositive illustration techniques (PowerPoint)


The program begins by presenting the historical framework of the origin of life, pinpointing on time the appearance of the large groups. The phyla and main subordinate taxa are characterized so as to allow a basic recognition and identification of the living beings in future disciplines, namely in those that stress the ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Due to their reach for the understanding of the ways of evolution, special attention is given to two phenomena: parasitism, addressed successively in the study of the Platyhelminthes and the Nematoda, with incidence in their complex biological cycles; Coelom-Metamerism, addressed in the Annelida, justifying their appearance as an answer to the need to penetrate the mobile substrate and to their crawling locomotion, and retaken with the Arthopoda justifying its atrophy and tagmatization as an answer to the needs created by the acquisition of an exoskeleton and consequent articular locomotion.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures are essentially expositive, strongly supported by image (PowerPoint). The theoretical-practical unit is filled essentially by the project “What one says about…” in which groups of students will present in PowerPoint short versions of themes to be addressed or already addressed in lectures.


Willmer, P., 1990. Invertebrate Relationships: patterns in animal evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Barnes, R. D., 1980. Invertebrate Zoology, 4ª Edição. Saunders College, Philadelphia

Protocolos para as aulas práticas

Textos/imagens de apoio e outras informações serão disponibilizados no Moodle.

(Protocols for practicals)

Supporting texts/images and additional information are made available in the Moodle platform.



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 30 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 85%
  • Three theoretical-practical works: 15%