Theory of History

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Promote the in-depth study of the main theories of history and of historiographic streams, specifically in the Western world, in order to develop student competencies in interpreting, analysing and critiquing texts and historical documents.

Advance the reading and analysis of works by the most representative thinkers within the scope of historical theory, with a goal of developing oral and written capacities in reasoning and communication.


Critical introduction to the theme of History and historicity. History: science and life. The metaphysics of history and the epistemology of history. The fundamental concepts of reflecting on history.

History and meaning. Theories and critiques. From Greek and Judeo-Christian traditions to contemporary perspectives. Providentialist theory (fundamental theses and historical contexts). The cyclical understanding of historical development. Rationalism and History: Teleology and progress. Historical materialism: genesis and development. Historical theories of the 20th century. The end of History.

The major questions of historical epistemology. Perspectives of analysis and understanding. From classic antiquity to the scientific production of the early 21st century. The object of history. Historical explanation. Historical imagination. Memory, identity and history. The place of history and of the historians in contemporary society.

Teaching Methodologies

Combination of methodologies: lectures and interaction with the students. The lectures will be illustrated by means of analysing texts and documents to which students will have access. The interactive component considers in-class participation and the completion of a research project.

In line with the adopted methodologies, the following learning activities will be prioritised: creating a database on the themes and authors studied; the investigation and subsequent organisation of information; a careful reading of selected texts; a productive discussion and debate while clarifying doubts and deepening questions; applying and demonstrating competencies in the area of oral and written discourse.





ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 25%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%
  • Attendance and Participation: 5%
  • Research work: 20%