Sociology of Education

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1. To justify the contribution of the Sociology of Education to the teachertraining process;
2.To identify the school culture factors that may work as an obstacle or function as facilitators of student achievement;
3.To discuss the characteristics of teaching as a profession;
4.To identify and problematize the organizational and cultural elements that provide schools their identify and that condition their functioning;
5.To identify different modes of teacher interaction within schools and to demonstrate their implications for teachers’ professional learning and student learning


1. Sociology and the Sociology of Education
2. School culture and student achievement
3. Teaching as a profession
4. The school: organizational and cultural aspects
5. The school as a professional community: teacher colegiality and school change

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching-learning process relies on an active, reflective, inquiry-oriented student role. Classes are organized through the articulation of: teacher-centered lecturing; student individual work; small-group cooperativelearning activities; small- and large-group presentations and discussions. Student assessment has a continuous character
and focuses on three main kinds of elements: 1) participation in class activities, namely, attendance, punctuality, quality of the materials produced in the practical activities and quality of individual interventions during classes and oral presentations (10%); 2) small individual written tests taken throughout the semester, focused on problemsolving situations (50%); and 3) oral presentation of a written essay, prepared as a small-group assignement (40%)


Abrantes, P. (2011). Revisitando a teoria da reprodução: debate teórico e aplicações ao caso português. Análise Social, 56(199), 261-281.
Hargreaves, A. (1998). Os professores em tempos de mudança: o trabalho ea cultura dos professores na idade pósmoderna.
Alfragide: Editora McGraw-Hill.
Lima, J. Á. (1996). O papel de professor nas sociedades contemporâneas. Educação, Sociedade e Culturas, 6, 47-72.
Lima, J. Á. (2002). As culturas colaborativas nas escolas. Porto: Porto Editora.
Lima, J. Á. (2008). Em busca da boa escola. Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão.
Lima, J. Á. (2012). Comunidades profissionais nas escolas: o que são e o que não são. In M. A. Flores & F. I. Ferreira
(Orgs.), Currículo e comunidades de aprendizagem: desafios e perspetivas (pp. 173-200).Santo Tirso: De Facto Editores.
Pinto, C. A. (1995). Sociologia da escola. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill.
Seabra, T. (2009). Desigualdades escolares e desigualdades sociais. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 59, 75-106.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 3 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Mini Tests: 50%
  • Attendance and Participation: 10%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%