History of Culture and Mentalities

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Think about european culture and identity.

Get to know the specificities of cultural phenomena and collective mentalities regarding other types of phenomena.

Understand and justify the importance in terms of collective identity of certain cultural realities along European History.

Keep on developing as personal competences: reflective reading; comparison of contexts and descriptions; critical awareness; interpretation of situations; understanding the historical evolution of a multiple space.


1. History of Culture and History of Mentalities.

2. Cultural characteristics of Europe along History: a retrospective regard.

3. The research in History of Culture: an exemplification with the theme “transmission of knowledges”.

4. The research in History of Mentalities: an exemplification with the theme “collective fears”.

Teaching Methodologies

Varied method: explanation by the teacher; reading and discussing significant texts; very frequent debates on multiple aspects of the two big themes.


BARZUN, Jacques – Da Alvorada à Decadência: 500 anos de vida cultural do Ocidente

BELCHIOR, Maria de Lourdes - Os homens e os Livros: séculos XVI e XVII

BOUZA ÁLVAREZ, Fernando - Del Escribano a la Biblioteca

BRAUDEL, Fernand - Gramática das Civilizações

CHARTIER, Roger - Lectures et lecteurs dans la France de l’Ancien Régime

CHARTIER, Roger (coord.) - As utilizações do objecto impresso (séculos XV-XIX)

DELUMEAU, Jean - La Peur en Occident , XIVe-XVIIIe siècles

DELUMEAU, Jean - Le Péché et la Peur. La culpabilisation en Occident

LE GOFF, Jacques, CHARTIER, Roger, REVEL, Jacques (dir.) - A Nova História

MUCHEMBLED, Robert - L’invention de l’Homme Moderne: sensibilités, moeurs et comportements collectifs sous l’Ancien Régime

RUEGG, Walter (coord.), Uma História da Universidade na Europa

RUSS, Jacqueline - A Aventura do Pensamento Europeu



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Oral individual presentation on one subject: 60%
  • Written individual reflexion without consulting on questions presented by the teacher: 40%