HIstoriography, memory an identity

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They are main objectives of this course the transmission to students of theoretical bases of the processes of construction and transmission of memory, with a particular focus on historiography, and its importance in the formation of identities. As additional goals we strive to pitch in to develop in our students skills and expertises that will translate in the comprehension of the historic process, in the opening of interdisciplinary horizons, in the mastery of the materials and techniques used for the ancient knowledge, in the appreciation, defence and propagation of the heritage, and, given the seminar’s nature that this curricular unit assumes, in acquisition appropriate manners, the treatment and share of the information so that it boosts an original scientific contribute


Historiography: an initial network of concepts.

Module I. The contemporary construction of medieval Portugal.

  1. The problem of municipalism.
  2. Economic mythology.

Module II. The ideology about the Portuguese Discoveries.

  1. The ideology about the infant dom Henrique.
  2. Around the expansion memories.

Módulo III. Thematic works

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies of the curricular unit Memory, Historiography and Identities are based in a combination of student’s and teacher papers. It concerns the professor the execution of a set of expositive classes (modules I and II of the program), promptly supported in discussion and review of supplementary bibliography previously distributed, as well as the definition, attendance and critic of the thematic papers (module III of the program). It must concern the students the following up of the lectured classes, the reading and analysis of the main and supplementary bibliography and the realization of all the chores regarding the thematic papers.

The evaluation system comprises two elements of assessment: the delivery, on written form, of a paper about a theme of free choice by the student, previously exposed and debated in seminar session, and the presentation and discussion of a written text proposed by the professor.


CARNEIRO, R. e MATOS, A.T. de (ed.) Memória de Portugal. O milénio português, Rio de Mouro, Círculo de Leitores, 2001.
HATCHER, J., e BAILEY, J., Modelling the Middle Ages. The history and theory of England’s economic development, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
LEFEBVRE, G., O nascimento da moderna historiografia, Lisboa, Sá da Costa Ed., 1981.
GODINHO, V.M., Os descobrimentos e a economia mundial, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1984.
MARQUES, A. H. de O. (ed.), Antologia da historiografia portuguesa, Mem Martins, Publ. Europa-América, 1975.
MATTOSO, J., A escrita da História, Lisboa, Ed. Estampa, 1988.
MAURÍCIO, Carlos, A invenção de Oliveira Martins: política, historiografia e identidade nacional no Portugal contemporâneo (1867-1960), Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 2005.
ROSA, M. L., SOUSA, B.V. e, e BRANCO, M.J., The historiography of medieval Portugal (c. 1950-2010), Lisboa, Inst. de Estudos Medievais, 2011.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%