Nursing at the Person in Disease Situation II

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  1. Acquire knowledge in the field of the individual's body processes and their responses to the disease;
  2. Understand the interrelation of psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and biological factors in the prevention and treatment of the disease;
  3. Acquire knowledge for the development of skills for the provision of nursing care according to the needs of the sick person, using scientific methodology.
  4. Demonstrate ability to support nursing action decision making.


 Principles of Perioperative Nursing

Preoperative Nursing

Intraoperative Nursing

Postoperative Nursing 

 Neurological  system

The nursing assessment and management of Adults  with neurological system processes compromised secondary to:

- Vascular problems 

- Oncological problems

Endocrine system 

 The nursing assessment and management of Adults  with endocrine system processes compromised secondary to:

- Thyroid disorders 

- Diabetes mellitus

Renal and urinary system

The nursing assessment and management of Adults  with renal and urinary  system processes compromised secondary to:

- Acute and chronic renal failure

- Urinary tract infections

- Tumors of the bladder


The  gastrointestinal system

The nursing assessment and management of Adults  with the gastrintestinal  system processes compromised secondary to:

- Stomach or duodenum disorders 

- Intestinal disorders

- Liver, biliary tract and exocrine pancreas disorders


 Musculoskeletal system process compromised

The nursing assessment and management of Adults  with musculoskeletel system processes compromised secondary to:

- Musculoskeletal trauma

Integumentary system process

 The nursing assessment and management of Adults with integumentary system  processes compromised  secondary to:

- Burns

- Surgical wound

 Reproductive system

The nursing assessment and management of women with reproductive system  processes compromised  secondary to:

 - Breast cancer 

-Cancer of Cervix

The nursing assessment and management of men with reproductive system  processes compromised  secondary to:

 - Prostatic disordrs

Teaching Methodologies

 - Participative, interrogative and expository methods will be used with audiovisual media

-Discussion of  practical cases  

Targeted reading of articles will also be recommended to consolidate the contents addressed in learning autonomous hours

Learning Activities 

Learning activities will focus on research and active participation in the classroom.
Discussion of practical cases, group work, critical reflections on articles and analysis of practices will also be promoted with the scientific methodology.


Carpenito – Moyet, L. (2012). Diagnósticos de enfermagem: aplicação à prática clínica. (13ª ed.). Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora S.A.

International Council Of Nurses (2010). CIPE versão 2.0: Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. Lisboa: Ordem dos Enfermeiros.

Kumar, Abbas, Fausto, Aster, Cotran (2013). Robbins & Cotran Patologia-Bases Patológicas das Doenças. (8ª ed). Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier

Monahan, Sands; Neighbors, Marek; Green (2010). Phipps Enfermagem    Médico- Cirúrgica. Perspectivas de Saúde e Doença. Loures: Lusodidacta

Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2006). Fundamentos de enfermagem: Conceitos e procedimentos. Loures: Lusociência.

Veiga, Bárbara et al. (2011). Manual de Normas de Enfermagem 

Procedimentos Técnicos. (2ª ed.) Lisboa: ACSS, Ministério da Saúde. Disponível em:

Website para Consulta:

 Legislação para Consulta:

Regulamento do Exercício Profissional do Enfermeiro – Decreto-Lei nº 161/96 de 04 de setembro (com as alterações introduzidas pelo Decreto-Lei nº 104/98 de 21 de abril).

Estatuto da Ordem dos Enfermeiros – Lei n.º 156/2015 de 16 de setembro

Regulamento do Perfil de Competências do Enfermeiro de Cuidados Gerais –Regulamento nº 190/2015 de 23 de abril



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 20 hours
  • Teóricas - 40 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%