Family Law and Minors

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The Family and Minors Law curriculum unit aims to give students an integrated view of the set of legal principles and legal norms that regulate family institutions and also those aimed at children and young people, with a particular focus on parental responsibilities and their regulation and also on the protection regime for children and young people in danger.  Thus, it aims to:

1. To provide students with knowledge with legal instruments that allow them to better know, understand and interpret the Family Institute.

2. Acquire solid knowledge regarding family legal relationships, their sources, constitution, modification and extinction, as well as other legal instruments connected with the Family. Students should be endowed with knowledge that allows them to interpret, apply the legal norms referring to the Family Institute.

3. Use the various family legal instruments in the analysis of practical cases.


1. Historical evolution of family law

2. Constitutional principles of family law

3. Sources of family law

4. Family law characters

5. Personal relationships in the family

6. The personal relationships of the spouses. Constitution, modification and extinction of the married state

7. Invalidity of marriage

8. Catholic marriage: consent and capacity; form; Nullity

9. Personal effects of marriage: Duties of spouses

10. Property effects of marriage. the property regime. fundamental principles

11. Typical goods regime

12. Administration of the spouses' property and liability for debts of the spouses

13. Modification and termination of the matrimonial relationship

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit is organized into theoretical-practical classes. During the classes we intend to promote active participation of students in order to develop reasoning and their ability to integrate knowledge, as well as the application of knowledge acquired previously, namely with the resolution of practical cases. Supporting materials are also available, eg those used by the professor, and treated texts for discussion. The sharing of relevant experiences will be encouraged in Moodle, with the creation of discussion forums created by the professor.

To assist the students, the professor will provide a personalized tutorial service, and students can still use e-mail to request guidance and help in solving problems.


Information available soon.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 50%
  • Written test and /or a written and defended work in the classroom: 50%