Intervention in Families, Individuals, Groups and Communities

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1. Objectify the intervention of Social Work with individuals, families, groups and communities;

2. Know the structural data collection processes for the individual and community Dianostico in social intervention.

3. Develop work skills at the level of intervention with individuals, families, groups and communities.


1. The Social Service intervention process

1.1. Social Work and intervention with individuals and families

1.1.1. From casework to psychosocial intervention

1.1.2. Assumptions and practical aspects of intervention with families

1.1.3. The phases of the professional method

1.1.4. The relational sphere of intervention: the help relationship Definition, assumptions and purposes; The communicational aspects.

1.2. Social Work and intervention with groups and communities

1.2.1. Conceptual aspects;

1.2.2. The group and the community: characteristics; functioning and structure;

1.2.3. Methodology and procedures.

2. Structural data collection processes in social intervention

2.1. Observation of social reality: the context and the subjects

2.1.1. The interview

2.1.2. The home visit

2.2. Records of information in daily professional life

2.3 Mapping communities

Teaching Methodologies

Given the theoretical and practical nature of the curricular unit, moments of exposure of the contents of the program by the teacher are combined with moments of active participation by the students, through joint debates or reflections, which is an interactive process between teacher-students. It also privileges the performance of role-plays, works and group dynamics, given the nature of the syllabus of the course.

The didactic resources used include computer material (data-show, computer) and whiteboard, as well as material resulting from research, scientific articles, films and projects developed, with relevant development of program content.


Information available soon.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 5%
  • Frequency: 60%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 30%
  • Report of practice community activities : 5%