Pedagogical Training II

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1. To mobilize scientific, didactic and methodological knowledge in teaching sessions
2. To decide on educational practice by following a reflective and research-based approach
3. To plan educational situations in alignment with the formal curriculum and to adapt them to the context
4. To implement educational practices with flexibility, by managing expected and unexpected occurrences, by
respecting ethical and deontological principles and by taking diversity among children into consideration in order to ensure relevant learning
5. To develop processes of formative and summative assessment, in order to promote a continuous regulation of the instructional process, as well as global accounts on children's learning
6. To promote collaborative work within the school community, as well as within the educational community at large
7. To engage in reflection that facilitates analysis and critique of practice, in order to enhance disclosure of its logic and the improvement of instruction


Considering that this curricular unit (UC) consists of an internship, the syllabus is focused on the processes that support the students' performance in (1) planning the educational process in the 1st stage of elementary education (which entails knowledge of the official curriculum documents, curriculum theory, educational priorities, components of educational options and connections between them); (2) educational practice (which entails contextual decision making, the implementation of methodologies, classroom activities and interactions); (3) evaluating the action undertaken (which entails mastery of concepts and procedures of formative assessment and reflection-on-action).

Teaching Methodologies

The practical nature of this course implies a strong immersion and practice in schools for the 1st stage of elementary education, with 230 hours of contact, according to the official documents that set rules for the organization of internships. Tutoring hours (40 hours) will be used to support the students in analyses of the educational context and lesson planning, as well as to promote reflection and critical analysis of their practice. Seminar time (45 hours), which is conducted with the whole class, is assigned to the analysis of the educational contexts where the internship takes place and to in-depth discussions on the options taken by the students.

Student assessment takes into consideration:

1) The design of an educational project;
2) The students’ performance in supervised teaching, their evaluation of their own educational options;
3) The reflections presented in the seminar sessions. The students’ accuracy in speaking and writing Portuguese will be continuously assessed


Alonso, L. e Roldão, M. C. (2006). Ser professor do 1.º Ciclo: Construindo a profissão. Coimbra: Almedina.
Alonso, L. (Coord.) et al. (2011) Referencial Curricular para a Educação Básica na Região Autónoma dos
Açores. Angra do Heroísmo: SREF.
Damião, M. H. (1996). Pré, inter e pós acção – Planificação e avaliação em pedagogia. Coimbra: Minerva.
MEC (2013). Programa e Metas Curriculares Matemática – Ensino Básico. Lisboa: MEC.
MEC (2012). Metas curriculares de Português – Ensino Básico 1.°, 2.° e 3.° ciclos. Lisboa: MEC.
Reis, C. (Coord.) et al. (2009). Programa de Português do Ensino Básico. Lisboa: DGIDC.
Sousa, F. , Alonso, L. e Roldão, M. C. (Orgs.) (2013). Investigação para um currículo relevante. Coimbra: Almedina.
Zabalza, M. A. (1992). Planificação e desenvolvimento curricular na escola. Porto: ASA



ECTS Credits



  • Estágio - 230 hours
  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Seminário - 45 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%