1. To explain basic concepts of human body that enable understanding the human body and its regulation mechanisms.
2. To describe the methodologies that provide the knowledge on the study of the health/illness relations.
3. To mobilize scientific knowledge to identify, analyze and describe the physiological processes, at the organic and systemic level, responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis.
4. To recognize the importance of knowledge on physiological processes, in order to develop an image of their own body, one that integrates hygiene and healthy life, in defence of health and quality of life.
Morphophysiological study of the body; Functional organization; Homeostasis; fluid compartments.
Maintenance functions; Biomolecules/nutrients, nutrition and nutritional needs.
Digestive system (chemical and mechanical function; digestion and contribution of accessory glands; absorption, intestinal transit and defecation).
Cardiovascular system (blood; coagulation, blood groups, blood transfusion and maternity; pulmonary and systemic circulation, cardiac cycle).
Respiratory activity (mechanics of breathing, hematosis and gas transport, hemoglobin saturation and regulation of breathing)
Urinary system (formation of urine; urination; hidroelectrolytic balance)
Relations with the external environment.
Nervous system and sense organs.
Hormonal regulation (endocrine glands and functions)
Locomotion (bones; muscle organization and function)
Transmission of life; Genetic determination of sex (meiosis and gametogenesis)
Organization and basic function of the reproductive system.
The lectures will be developed with the help of models and other resources, in order to ensure a logical and sequential relationship between the topics. The student is expected to cooperate actively, by asking questions that stimulate the debate.
Theoretical-practical lessons include practical/laboratory activities, visualization and analysis of films, thematic conferences, presentation and discussion of work-related diseases and problems of modern life.
Arruda M, Viana H, Rainha N, Neng NR, Rosa JS, Nogueira JMF, Barreto MC. 2012. Anti-acetylcholinesterase and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils from Hedychium gardnerianum Sheppard ex Ker-Gawl. Molecules 17: 3082- 3092.
Carvalho, A., C. Carvalho, F. Ferrand, V. Madeira, A. Nobre & E. Pires.1984. BiologiaFuncional. Livraria Almedina, Coimbra.
Jones, K. C. & A. J. Gaudin. 1983. Introdução à Biologia. FundaçãoCalouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 865 pp.
Lasnier, F., G. Crouzols & M. Lechaud. 1990. Hygiene et BiologieHumaine. Editions Jacques Lanore,
Malakoff.Vander, A. J., J. H. Sherman & D. S. Luciano. 1981. Fisiologia Humana.McGraw-Hill, Brasil.Atlas do Corpo Humano, CD-rom.
Zorzi, R. & Starling, IG. 2010. Corpo humano - órgãos, sistemas e funcionamento. Senac Editoras, Rio de Janeiro, 232 pp.