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Theoretical classes is taught the anatomy of the circulatory system, immune, digestive, reproductive, respiratory, urinary, and the peculiarities of different tissues that form these organs. It is also given particular emphasis to the particularities of the bones and muscles of different species and their adaptation to different environments and functions. Some classes also focus on the morphology and morphological evaluation criteria mainly of cattle and horses. The classes focus on the dissection of devices of different species, observation bones of different species taking into account their particularities, age calculation for the analysis of bovine and equine teeth and the analysis of coats of domestic animals. Practical classes for the analysis of exterior body parts of cattle and horses, analysis


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Teaching Methodologies

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Buxadé, C. 1995. Zootecnia. Bases de Produccion Animal. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.

CASTRO, S. V. de. Anatomia fundamental. 3. ed. São Paulo: Person Education do Brasil, 1985.

Frandson, R.D.; Whitten, E.H.. Anatomia y Fisiologia de los Animales Domesticos. Tradução e Adaptação de Roberto Palacios Martinez. 4ª Ed., Nueva Editorial Interamericana, México, 527. 1988.

Fraústo da Silva, M., Gomes, T., Dias, A. S., Aquino Marques, J., Mendes Jorge, L., Cavaco, Faísca, J., Alexandre Pires, G., Caldeira, R. M., 2003. Determinação da idade dos equinos através do exame dos dentes. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias 98(547)103-110.

Koch, T., Anatomy of the Chicken and Domestic Birds, The Iowa State University Press.1973.

SERRA, João Limpo. Anatomia, Fisiologia e Exterior dos Animais Domésticos. 2ªed. Litexa Editora, 1995.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours