Planning and Project Evaluation

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Provide students with the framework needed to rational decision making regarding the investment evaluation in real assets field domain;

Provide students with the main tools and techniques of investment evaluation;

Provide students with the importance of the notion of value and its computation formula; and

Provide the students with concepts inherent to the definition of risk and cost equity for investment projects in real assets and familiarize them with its computing.


I. Introduction – Company’s Project and Strategy

II. Definitions and Concepts

III. Main Steps of the Project – Investment Cycle

IV. Information Integrated System

V. Evaluation Criteria

Teaching Methodologies

In the lessons the basic concepts are introduced, with accuracy in financial models but not always detailed, without forgetting the aspect of application whenever possible. It’s aimed to illustrate the application and, simultaneously, tests if was dully assimilated by students.


Bibliografia principal

Couto, Gualter; Crispim, João; Pimentel, Pedro; Lopes, Manuel Mouta; e Sousa, Fábio (2014), “Avaliação de Investimentos”. Coleção Economia e Finanças. Áreas Editora. 2ª Edição.

Bibliografia Complementar:

Couto, Gualter; Porfírio, José; e Lopes, Manuel (2004), “Avaliação de Projectos. Da análise Tradicional às Opções Reais”, Publisher Team.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 3 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 3 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Participation : 10%
  • Quiz : 90%