Natural Sciences

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1. Gain knowledge, skills and competencies within the history of planet Earth and the evolution of life on Earth so that they better understand the environment and become more involved and responsible in society.

2. Know basic concepts and procedures of Natural Sciences;

3. To reflect on unifying concepts of biology;

4. Recognize Biology as a neutral science which is based on scientific observation, experimentation and is in full progress and development;

5. To be aware of the social and ethical impact of modern Biology.


1. Fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry;

2. The Solar System and Earth;

3. The internal Geodynamics;

4. External Geodynamics;

5. The mechanisms involved in the maintenance of life;

6. Systematic and Taxonomy;

7. Classification and diversity of living beings;

8. The natural heritage of the planet and the case of the Azores.

Teaching Methodologies

In the classroom the expository method is applied, supported by multimedia presentations and pictographic language. The interactive, interrogative and demonstrative methods are also adopted, in order to encourage student participation. The Moodle platform is used to provide educational resources to students, as well to potentiate interactivity between students and between them and the tutors. In the classroom students participate in various kinds of activities and reports, properly supported by tutorial supervision, in order to improve the skills and competences that will be acquired by the students and subjected to formative evaluation.


AZEVEDO, C., 1994, Biologia Celular, Ledel Lda. Lisboa.

CARVALHO, A., CARVALHO, C., FERRAND, F., MADEIRA, V., NOBRE, A., & E. PIRES., 1984, Biologia Funcional, Livraria Almedina,


JONES, A., REED, R. & J. WEYERS, 2003, Practical Skills in Biology, Pearson, Harlow

JONES, K. C. & A. J. GAUDIN, 1977, Introdução à Biologia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.

OLIVEIRA, E., PEDROSA, C. & R. PIRES, 1999, Ciências da Terra e da Vida do Big-Bang à Célula, Texto Editora, Lisboa.

ROGERS, N., BLAKE, S. & K. BURTON, 2008, An Introduction to Our Dynamic Planet, Cambridge University Press, Milton Keynes.

RUSSEL, S., FINNEN, M. & S. LAWTON, 1993, General biology lab manual: investigation into life´s phenomena, For Worth: Saunders

College Publ., New York.

REBOIRAS, M.D., 2005, Química: La ciencia básica”. Thomson. Madrid

SCJMID, G.H., 1988, Química Biológica: Las bases químicas de la vida, McGraw-Hill Interamericana, México.

TIPLER, P. A., 1992, Física, Vols 1 y 2. Ed. Reverté, Barcelona.

SMITH, WILLIAM F., 1998, Princípios de Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, McGraw-Hill de Portugal Lda, Lisboa.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Activities performed in the laboratory, in the field and online -answers to oral questions, debates about the contents taught and carrying out exercises) : 40%
  • Completion of three written tests : 60%