Complements of Societies, Territories and Human Action

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To broaden knowledge on the transdisciplinary fields relating to the content unit 'Societies, Territories and Human Action'. To perform research on concepts such as "spatial planning" and its implications on the quality of life of individuals, populations, human ecosystems, and formal and informal (school and non-school) educational settings. To highlight the relationships and consequences of human actions – individual and collective –, placing particular emphasis on the conservation of the Planet and of Mother Nature. To critically discuss national, european and international documents on issues pertainig to territories and spaces (physical and virtual), and verify their specific impacts. To question the principles, purposes, goals, agents and targets of spatial (re)planning and its importance as an object of study in education, in terms of their correlations and complexities.
To question the meaning of the "Ecology" of Human Action.


1) Human Action, Territories and Educational Societies: interactions between the city and the countryside,
2) Educational cities, cultural diversity, multiculturalism, interculturalism, cohabitation, confrontation and dialogue
3) Dialogue among civilizations: potentialities, (im)possibilities, limits and challenges
4) Spatial (re)planning: reasons and motivations
5) Environmental Education, Educational Projects, Attitudes, Freedom and Responsibility: Caring for the Planet as a common home for those inhabiting it
6) Concepts expressed in the “European Charter on Regional Development”
7) Education and Physical, Human and Humanized Landscape - individual and public interest (e.g. the case of the virtual toll roads)
8) Education, space(s), time, economy(ies), culture(s), citizenship(s) and integrated development
9) Spatial (re)planning in its different dimensions and extensions: local, regional, national, European and worldwide – interdependencies and (de)globalization

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies emphasize autonomous research activities in interaction.There will be expository classes (in the etymological and ontological sense of the adjective), as well as classes following an expository dialogue. There will be a variety of methodologies that combine teaching and learning activities. In systematic dialogue with the teacher and other classmates, students will always be epistemic subjects (re)constructing knowledge, anchored in anthropologic didactics and education. Students will be provided with opportunities to develop and organize notebooks and other didactic and teaching devices with implications in school and non-school communities. There will be field trips, public exhibitions and extensive debates with different audiences, etc. Assessment will be continuous and students will be graded as follows: one test (60% – with questions with different levels of problematization) and a work assignment in pairs and/or group (40 %).


Caride, José António & Meira, Pablo Ángel (2004). Educação Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Humano. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Melo, João Joanaz in CNE (1995). Educação Ambiental. Atas do Colóquio. Lisboa: Editorial do Ministério da Educação.
Morin, Edgar (2008). Introdução ao Pensamento Complexo. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Oliveira, Clara Costa (1999). A Educação como Processo Auto-Organizativo. Fundamentos Teóricos para uma Educação Permanente e Comunitária. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Pimenta, Carlos In CNE (1995). Educação Ambiental. Atas do Colóquio. Lisboa: Editorial do Ministério da Educação.
Vários Documentos Nacionais, Europeus e Internacionais sobre questões do Ordenamento do Território (Ex: DGOT [Direção Geral do Ordenamento do Território]. (s/d). Carta Europeia Do Ordenamento do Território. Lisboa: Ministério do Planeamento e da Administração do Território.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 60%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%