Arts and Literature for Children

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1. To recognize the interdisciplinary possibilities of artistic expressions in the educational context.

2. To utilize different expression resources to acknowledge expressive skills;

3. To explore the variety of languages in two and three dimensions of artistic expression, as well as their structural elements in the construction of visual messages;

4. To use drama as a means of self-awareness (unique and autonomous), related to principles like respect for others, for their differences and as a way of gaining knowledge about the world;

5. To review the fundamental concepts of literary text;

6. To understand children's texts in terms of literary systems;

7. To reflect upon the features of children's texts;

8. To acknowledge and to appreciate the aesthetics of the texts;

9. To improve literary literature's competences that will stimulate the passion for literature on the future students.


1. Drama in the Elementary School: from children theater to educational drama.

2. Children´s graphical language as an expression of the child;

3. Expression resources : the object as a justification for feeling and movement (muppets, masks and chinese

shadows); Image as a vehicle of body reaction; Sound as a means of body expression;

4. The concept of literature. Delimitation of the literary field. Understanding literary texts. The importance of reading.

5. Status and nature of children’s literature. Children's and juvenile literature within the literary system: institutional integration and recognition; literary communication’s pragmatics.

6. Children's literary texts: special features of infantile experiences and their projection on literature. Relevant characteristics of the different literary modules. Formal aspects of children's books: dialogue between verbal and iconic text.

7. Literature and personal development.

Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit includes theoretical, theoretical-practical and tutorial sessions, and uses a variety of teaching methods. In what concerns children’s literature, critical and theoretical texts will be debated altogether (teachers/students) and literary children’s texts will be analyzed and commented by students. It will also be required from students that they work autonomously (with teacher's guidance), in order to use critically the acquired knowledge.

Artistic expressions will be addressed through the exploration of practical proposals, by which students can understand the expressive and pedagogical potential of the expression resources in its various valences.


CERRILLO, Pedro e GARCÍA PADRINO, Jaime (coord.) (1992), Literatura Infantil y Enseñanza de la Literatura. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha.

COLOMER, TERESA (2001), Ensinar a ler, Ensinar a Compreender. Lisboa: ASA.

FRAGATEIRO et al, (1996). Ensino Artístico. Lisboa: Edições Asa.

GOMES, José A. (1996), Da Nascente à Voz: Contributos para uma pedagogia da leitura. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

HUNT, Peter (1994), An Introduction to Children’s Literature. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.

ROSA, L. & CALADO, F. (sd.). Brincando Com as Expressões: Dramática, Musical, Plástica. Porto: Porto Editora.

SILVA, Madalena T Silva e MOCIÑO GONZÁLEZ (2013), Literatura para a Infância e Juventude e educação Literária. Porto: Deriva.

SOUSA, A. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação: Drama e Dança. Horizontes Pedagógicos. Instituto Piaget.

SOUSA, A. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação: Música e Artes Plásticas. Horizontes Pedagógicos. Instituto Piaget.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Theoretical and practical work in the area of artistic expressions : 30%
  • Theoretical and practical work in the area of children's literature: 70%