Political History and Diplomacy

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1. To understand the general conditions related to the practice of Diplomacy among sovereign states.
2. To understand the objectives of Foreign Policy.
3. To analyze the evolution of Diplomacy in contemporary International Relations.
4. To develop reflexive and critical capacities in what concerns the several problematic in what concerns Political and Diplomatic History.
5. To grant the required competencies through research in the field of Political and Diplomatic History.


1. Conditions of the practice of diplomacy among States.
2. The main objectives of Foreign Policy.
3. The French Revolution and Diplomacy.
4. The importance of the Congress of Vienna for the revision and control of diplomatic practices.
5. From the Bismarckian alliance system to the beginning of the First World War.
6. The main consequences of the First World War.
7. The search for new instruments of regulation of International Politics.
8. The growing importance of Public Opinion in International Politics.
9. A new perspective: from the balance of power to the community of power.
10. The Peace Conferences at the end of the First World War.
11. The failure of the League of Nations.
12. The inter war period: politics and diplomacy.
13. The resurgence of new actors in International Relations.
14. The era of dictatorships and the appearance of a new belicist scenario.
15. Alliances and war games.
16. The Spanish Civil War.
17. Franquism and Salazarism: Relations between Spain and Portugal.
18. The Second World War: na inevitability?

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes centered in the professor’s lectures, through the presentation of the main perspectives to the main topics. Interactive classes, centered in the student’s participation, supervised by the professor, having as support analysis methods, interpretation and critical interpretation of different texts and other relevant documents. To promote the dialogue, not only of the themes in analysis but also focusing on the importance of interdisciplinarity. Presentation and discussion of research projects. Meetings with the students, individually and in groups, in order to supervise the work conducted by the students. Permanent evaluation of the work developed by the students.


ARON, R., Paz e Guerra entre as Nações, São Paulo, 2002; BRUNET, J.P., Launay, M., Entre as duas Guerras. 1914-1945, Lisboa, 1999; DROZ, J., Histoire Diplomatique de 1648 a 1919, Paris, cop. 1972; GERBERT, P., Introdução à Política. As organizações internacionais, Lisboa, 1977; HAMILTON, K. e LANGHORNE, The Practice of Diplomacy, Londres e Nova Iorque, 1995; KISSINGER, H., Diplomacia, Lisboa, 1996; MAGALHÃES, J. C. de, A Diplomacia Pura, Lisboa, 2005; MILZA, P., As Relações Internacionais de 1918 a 1939, Lisboa, 1998 __________, As Relações Internacionais de 1871 a 1914, Lisboa, 2002; NYE, Jr., J. S., Compreender os Conflitos Internacionais, Lisboa, 2002 ;

PELLISTRANDI, B., As Relações Internacionais de 1800 a 1871, Lisboa, 2002; RICHARDSON, J. L., Crisis Diplomacy.
The Great Powers since the Mid- Nineteenth Century, Cambridge, 1994; SÉDOUY, J.-A. de, Le Congrès de Vienne,
Paris, 2003; STEVENSON, D., The First World War and lnternational Politics, Oxford, 1988.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%