Teaching Methodology of Portuguese

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1.To deepen the understanding of the importance of developing linguistic awareness for the language learning
2.To discuss different approaches and processes to language teaching and learning in preschool and in primary
3.To mobilize knowledge related to Portuguese language didactics on planning teaching-learning situations in
preschool and primary school.
4.To conceive didactic materials that promote active, significant, multicultural and equalitarian experiences in
preschool and primary school.
5.To conceive assessment tools.
6.To participate in a research on the teaching of literacy among children attending preschool and primary schools.
7.To explore the specificities, challenges and possibilities of the teaching of Portuguese worldwide.


1.From listening to speaking
a.steps on teaching oral understanding and expression
b.communicative intentions and types of oral texts
c.developing oral communication in pre-school and primary school
2.Learning how to read and write
a.reading and writing concepts
b.early stimulation of reading and writing
c.from learning models on reading and writing to teaching methods
d.reading and writing steps and strategies
e.writing as a process
3.Planning and learning assessment
a.planning activities
b.assessment of the language learning process
c.assessment tools
4.Analysis of didactic materials and texts - adequacy, relevance and respect for human rights (multiculturalism,
parity, non sexist language, etc.)
5.Research on the teaching of literacy among children
6.Teaching Portuguese Worlwide
a.different language programs
b.materials online and other resources.

Teaching Methodologies

This CU combines dialogued expository sessions on conceptual topics, supported by audio and video resources, with practical sessions based on document analysis, debate, oral presentations and discussion of students’ work, design of teaching activities and materials (in pairs), simulations in class, to analyze and improve teaching materials, and activities to implement in preschool and primary school. Tutorial sessions, in class or through Skype, will help clarify content and help prepare teaching activities and materials. Moodle platform is used to share teaching resources and bibliography to help students study and design their teaching activities and materials, to promote interaction between teacher and students, on content or tasks. Assessment is based on: 1) oral participation in class and in the forums created in moodle – 10%; 2) practical work and written reflection – 50%; 3) participation in the various phases of the research – 40%.


Barragán, C. et al. (2005). Hablar en classe. Cómo trabajar la lengua oral en el centro escolar. Barcelona: Graó.
Casanova, I. & Faria, R. (2012). Português para o mundo. Manual do aluno – Português língua não materna. Lisboa:
Cruz, V. (2007). Uma abordagem cognitiva da leitura. Lisboa: LIDEL
Evangelista, A. et al. (Org.). (2003). A escolarização da leitura literária: O jogo do livro infantil e juvenil. Belo
Horizonte: Autêntica.
Gillanders, C. (2005). Aprendizage de la lectura y la escritura en los años preescolares. Sevilha: Ed. MAD.
Lopes, J. et al. (2004). Aprendizagem, ensino e dificuldades da leitura. Coimbra: Quarteto.
Portugal, G. & Laevers, F. (2010). Avaliação em educação pré-escolar: Sistemas de acompanhamento das crianças.

Porto: Porto Editora. Teberosky, A. & Colomer, T. (2003). Aprender a ler e a escrever. Uma proposta construtivista. P.A.: Artmed. Viana, F. & Teixeira, M. (2002). Aprender a ler: Da aprend informal à aprend formal. Porto: ASA.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 10%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 50%
  • participation in the various phases of the research: 40%