Artistic Expressions and Physical Motor Education Teaching Methodology

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1.To critically analyze content and issues regarding the potential of arts (AE) and Physical Education (PE) in education and child development.

2.To relate different levels of outcomes and relevant skills to children´s development in preschool and primary school.

3.To understand the process of learning as a means of promoting active, significant and inclusive experiences.

4.To mobilize knowledge of didactics in order to ensure the acquisition of skills in teaching of AE and PE (observation, planning, teaching and evaluating in the classroom).

5.To select the most appropriate teaching methods and strategies related to AE and PE.

6.To conceive materials and resources appropriate to the various teaching contexts.

7.To organize sequential learning tasks, discussing their consistency.


In the syllabus, the following contents are highlighted:

1.The Goals of AE and PE in the contexts of EPE and 1st CEB.

2.The pre-school curriculum and the elementary school curriculum - foundations and curricular organization in different areas of expression. The Regional Basic Education Curriculum.

3.Planning in Arts and Physical Education.

4.Pedagogical Intervention: conditions for student engagement and learning;

5.Teaching strategies and different ways to organize learning in AE and PE (imitation, discovery, exploration, exercises, problem solving, imagination, cooperation).

6.Learning tasks in AE and PE - setting conditions for achievement, success criteria and tasks manipulation.

7.Material resources (choice and organization) and safety.

8.The assessment of children's expression - the use of observation and systematization of indicators of performance in different domains of expression.

Teaching Methodologies

This CU is organized on the basis of theoretical-practical sessions, which will include online searches, document analysis and debate; observation and reflection on teaching activities and written reports. It will give importance to research and intervention in context and will enhance the exchange of experiences and cooperation between students. Formative assessment will be implemented continuously.

Summative assessment will include the following assignments:

- critical analysis and reflection on relevant topics (20-30%);

- "Planning-implementation-reflection" in micro-teaching activities (20-30%);

- Implementation of an educational project in preschools and/or elementary schools (40-50%).


1.Condessa, I. Pereira, B. & Carvalho, G. (2012). Atividade Física, Saúde e Lazer. Educar e Formar. Braga: UMIEC/CIEC
2.Condessa, I. (2006). Os Ambientes Facilitadores de Aprendizagem na Educação Física Infantil. Cinergis. Vol. 7, nº1, Jan./Jun, 9-28. Brasil: EDUNISC.
3.Ferraz, M. (2011). Educação Expressiva. Um Novo Paradigmas. Col. Exp.Terapias. Vol.II. Lisboa: Tuttirév Ed.
4.Metzler, M.W. (2005). Instructional Models for Physical Education. 2nd Edition, U.S.A.: Holcomb Hathaway,
5. Marrot, G. (2001). Didactique de l'education physique et sportive. Paris: Éditions Vigot.
6. Martins, A. (2002). Didáctica das Expressões. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
7. Reis, R. (2004). A Educação pela Arte. Lisboa: U. Aberta
8. Schmidt, R.A. & Wrissberg, G.A. (2000). Motor Learning and Performance. (2nd Ed.). Champaign: Human Kinetics Publication.
9.Sousa, A. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação. 1º, 2.º, 3.º Vol . Col. Horizontes Pedagógicos. Lisboa:



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%