Theory and Methodology of Social Work II

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The objective of the course Theory and Methodology of Social Work-II, pursuits to probe the deepening of the syllabus of the course TMSS-I.

Placing the problem of the crisis of the dominant paradigm of the classical or traditional Social work and the emergence of reform proposals in the years 60/70. A time of experimentation and reposition of Social work within the social sciences field, as well as introducing a reflective analysis on the contemporary social work and ethical-political trends and their intervention methods.

It is intended that at the end of the semester the student is able to understand the movement of re-conceptualization of social work.

Social work as a professional discipline in the universe of social sciences, theoretical and ethical trends in Social-political as well as the basic methodology of intervention in social work.


Introduction - Modernity in globalization area, citizenship and social services - a socio-historical interpretation.

1. Dominant Crisis Paradigm and the Emergency Service Proposals for Reform of Social Service in the Context of the 60/70 years.

1.1 The crisis of classical or traditional social work: a phenomenon of international borders. Potentialities and limitations.

1.2 The North American society and the need for a new social work.

1.3 The Latin American reality and the problems of underdevelopment and dependency: the movement of reconceptualization of space in Social Work.

1.4 The Portuguese society and the changes in Social work from 1974 to the present day.

2. Social Work and Democratic Citizenship in Globalization Time.

2.1 In the New Age of Inequality: Basic Human Needs, Citizenship, Social Sciences and Social Work.

2.2 The Social Work as a professional discipline of Social Intervention in the universe of Social Sciences.

Teaching Methodologies

The chosen teaching methodology is derived from the objectives and purposes of the course. Thus, the classes are focused mainly on the lecture method in the theoretical exploration of the different thematic modules of the program.

Practical classes will privilege ownership of information and reflection developed in lectures in conjunction with the independent work of students. Presentation sessions of group work performed by students. It is intended that the student or the working group develops attitudes of research initiative to identify problems / questions, sense of responsibility and cooperation.


BARTLETT, Harriet M., A Base do Serviço Social, 2ª Ed., S. Paulo, Livraria Pioneira, 1979

CBCISS, Documento de Araxá- 1º Seminário de Teorização do Serviço Social, Debates Sociais, nº 4, Rio de Janeiro, CBISS, 1967

FALCÃO, M. C., Serviço Social, 3ª Ed., Rev. S. Paulo, Cortez e Morais, 1979.

FALEIROS, Vicente de Paula, Estratégias em Serviço Social, 2ªEd., S. Paulo, Cortez, 1999.

FERNANDES, Ernesto, Por uma Carta Ética da Intervenção Social, Almada, Jan. 2003, in Rev. Intervenção Social nº 28, Lisboa, ISSScoop – Departamento Ed., 2003.

GIDDENS, Antony, O Mundo na Era da Globalização, Lisboa, Presença, 2000.

KAHN, J. Alfred (org), Reformulação do Serviço Social, Rio de Janeiro, Agir, 1984.

RICHMOND, Mary, Diagnóstico Social, Lisboa, Instituto H. Dr. Ricardo Jorge, 1950.

RICHMOND, Mary, Caso Social Individual, 2ª Ed. Buenos Aires, Humanitas, 1982.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa, Introdução a uma Ciência Pós-Moderna, Porto, Afrontamento, 1989.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 60%
  • Attendance, participation and group work done in class: 10%
  • Final group work : 30%