Production of Monogastrics

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The subject in question aims to provide advanced knowledge in the area of monogastric production, specifically in what concerns to poultry, pig production and animal health, so that the students, together with the knowledge already acquired in previous training courses, can be able to respond more efficiently to market requirements, having always in mind the animal welfare and the preservation of the environment.



Origin, Evolution, domestication and diffusion of domestic fowl. Main classes in fowl production poultry. Dwarf breeder hens. Sexing. Production of country chicken.

Pig Breeding:

National and international pig sector and the evolution of the pig over time dependent of consumer demand. Reproduction, production characteristics and systems for the Alentejana pig breed. Composition of Alentejana breed carcass. Feeding the Alentejana breed in extensive regime. Organic production mode. The environmental impact of intensive and extensive pig breeding.

Animal Health and welfare:

Stress. Animal microbiota and the animal farm. Imune defence mechanisms. General concepts in immunology. General concepts in epidemiology. Medical prophylasis. Sanitary prophylaxis. Zoonoses.

Teaching Methodologies

The main methods of teaching are the explanation and exposition of the theoretical foundations of the previous syllabus of each block of the course that considers its multiple structuring elements, using the broadest possible range of teaching resources, including those offered by new communication technologies, information and research, and develop students' research skills, reasoning, imagination, sensitivity to the essence of the theme studied and critical and innovative to the formulation of a proposal for new solutions to some of the issues studied.


Soares, C. M. (1993). Origem e melhoramento das aves (Gallus domesticus) utilizadas em avicultura industrial. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa Portugal.

Vouzela, C.F.M. (2010). O impacto ambiental da suinicultura intensiva. Universidade dos Açores, Departamento de Ciências Agrárias, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal.

Freitas, A.M.B. (2006). Alimentação em regime extensivo: raça suína Alentejana. IV Jornadas Internacionais de suinicultura. UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal.

Neves, J.A.F. (1998). Influência da engorda em montanheira sobre as características bioquímicas e tecnológicas da matéria prima e do presunto curado de porco alentejano. Tese de Doutoramento. Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.

Castelló, J. A. (2004), Criação de frango extensivo e biológico. Condições básicas. Aves e ovos, 171: 18-25.

Julk, K & Palmer's (1993). Pathology of Domestic Animals. Elsevier.Canada.

Domingues, P. F.; Langoni, H.; Júnior, R.S. (2001). Manejo sanitário animal. FMVZ de Botucatu, Brasil.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 26 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 10%
  • 2nd Frequency: 70%
  • 3rd Frequency: 20%