Educational Partnerships and School-Family-Community Relations

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1. To address the relationship between school, families and communities in the context of social changes that mark contemporary societies.
2. To discuss issues related to the various dimensions of the relationship between school, families and community.
3. To analyse in a critical way the concept of educational partnership as educational change enhancer tool in local communities.
4. To discuss texts and documents relating to partnership projects between schools, families and community.
5. To develop reflective and collaborative skills.


1. School-family relationship
1.1. Social change, family and school transformations and school-family relationship
1.2. Involvement and family participation in the education system and in the educational organizations
2. School-community relationship
2.1. New forms of regulation of education systems, territorialization of educational action and school-community relationship
2.2. School-community relationship approaches
3. Educational institutions, community participation and education partnerships

3.1. Educational partnerships and change in local communities

3.2. Projects linking schools, families and community

Teaching Methodologies

The contents will be worked with the following methodologies: theoretical lectures by the teacher; discussion in large group, having as start point questions issued by the teacher; work by the students, in groups, in the classroom, and sessions conducted by the students. The evaluation includes: 1) a team work (60%), presented in written form and orally discussed in class, focusing on a critical reflection on a partnership project between the school (or other educational organization) and the family or between school (or other educational organization) and the community, in this work students should make a summary of the objectives and nature of the project; the discussion of its critical points or of its problematics; and discussion of the project, having as reference the Azorean reality. 2) Individual reflection, presented in written form, about the skills acquired at the course and its relevance in the context of their training (40%).


Almeida, A. N., & Vieira, M. M. (2006). A escola em Portugal. Lisboa: ICS.
Barroso (1996). O Estudo da Escola. Porto: Porto Editora.
Benavente, A. et al. (1987). Do Outro Lado da Escola. Lisboa: IED.
Canário, R. (2005). O que é a escola. Porto: Porto Editora.
CNE (2007). Escola/família/comunidade. Lisboa: Conselho Nacional de Educação.
Hendersen, A. T. et. al. (2013). A Escola também se vive cá fora. Lisboa: Plátano Editora.
Lima, J. Á. (2002) (Ed.). Pais e professores: um desafio à cooperação. Porto: E. ASA.
Marques, R. (1997). Professores, famílias e projecto educativo. Porto: E. Asa.
Montandon, C., & Perrenoud, P. (2001). Entre pais e professores, um diálogo impossível? Lisboa: Celta.
Saraceno, C., & Naldini, M. (2003). Sociologia da família. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa.
Silva, P. (2003). Escola-família, uma relação armadilhada. Porto: E. Afrontamento.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 60%
  • Individual reflection, presented in written form, about the skills acquired at the course and its relevance in the context of their training: 40%