Introduction to Geographical Information Systems

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1. Demonstrate the potential of geographic information technologies;

2. Understand the fundamental concepts associated with geographic information systems;

3. Acquire basic skills to develop, with autonomy, projects in geographic information systems;

4. Explore the features of GIS operations through spatial analysis and production of graphical outputs.


1. Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)

1.1. Concepts and definitions

1.2. Features

1.3. Applications

1.4. GIS Structure and components

2. Cartography

2.1. Space Representation

2.2. Coordinate systems and projections

2.3. Geopositioning

2.4. Maps composition techniques

3. Models of data representation in GIS

3.1. Model raster

3.2. Vector Model

3.3. Geographic Databases

4. Training in GIS

4.1. Conducting tutorial (8 online modules - Virtual Campus) to develop skills in GIS (

5. Development of GIS project

5.1. Conception and realization of a practical exercise to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the theoretical component of the course (formative experience)

Teaching Methodologies

The introductory concepts and basics notions are taught using expository methods. The training component is taught by developing a tutorial certificate (e-learning). The practical exercise involves the use of GIS software for analysis and treatment of socio demographic information.


Nadine Schuurman, 2004. GIS: A short introduction. John Wiley & Sons.

Kang-Tsung Chang, 2006. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. McGraw-Hill.

Keith C. Clarke, 2001. Getting started with geographic information systems. Prentice Hall.

Knut Grinderud, 2009. Gis: The Geographic Language of Our Age. Tapir Academic Press.

ArcGIS Resources.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 22.8 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Conclusion with success of the training Tutorial: 30%
  • Development of individual practical work: 70%