Artistic Expressions and Physical-motor Education in Childhood

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By the end of the semester, students should be able:
1.To critically analyze content of arts (A) and Physical Education (PE) curriculum in the contexts of EPE and 1st CEB.
2. To implement, in A e PE, different levels of outcomes and relevant skills to children´s development in preschool and primary school.
3.To understand the process of learning in arts (A) and Physical Education (PE) .
4.To experience creative, active, significant, cooperative and inclusive practices in arts (A) and Physical Education (PE).
5 .Participate in various researches on the arts education and in motor practices/ sports, in school and non-school context


I. Teaching physical expression/ education: body expression activities, dance and games (childhood, traditional, sportive) – body, movement, communication process, creative movement and play; adaptation to the aquatic environment; the exploration of nature; gymnastics and rollerblading activities.
II. Teaching musical expression: body, voice, instruments, expression and creation, song and dance.
III. Teaching drama expression: exploration of the body, awareness of body movement, dynamics, knowledge of oneself and others, relations and resources of expression in the process of creating a character.
IV. Teaching visual arts expression: development of visual expression; language and visual communication, drawing and free expression, the audio-visual resources and multimedia communication.
V. Teaching expressions through topics and projects (Example: let's be creative, circus arts, regional crafts and/or other contexts of regional culture).

Teaching Methodologies

This course is organized in a continuous perspective concerning theoretical and practical sessions, focusing on research, document analysis, visualization of films; and on the experience of situations where (individually or in groups) students can enrich their capacities and skills in the different áreas AE and PE.

Summative assessment will include the following assignments:

- critical analysis and reflection on relevant topics (20-30%);

- " practices activities and respective reflection" (30-40%);

- Implementation of an investigation work, in preschools and/or elementary schools (30-50%).


Condessa, I. Pereira, B. & Carvalho, G. (2012). Atividade Física, Saúde e Lazer. Educar e Formar. Braga: UMIEC/CIEC

Condessa, I. (2006). Os Ambientes Facilitadores de Aprendizagem na Educação Física Infantil. Cinergis. Vol. 7, nº 1, Jan./Jun, 9-28. Brasil: EDUNISC.

Schmidt, R.A. & Wrissberg, G.A. (2000). Motor Learning and Performance. (2nd Ed.). Champaign: Human Kinetics Publication.

Sousa, A. (2003). Educação pela Arte e Artes na Educação. 1º, 2.º, 3.º Vol . Col. Horizontes Pedagógicos. Lisboa: Piaget.

Pavodan, M. (2010). Dançar na Escola. Lisboa: Ed.FCG.

Vayer, P.(1992). O Diálogo Corporal, Instituto Piaget: Lisboa.

Landier e Bannet. (1991). Expressão Dramática e Teatro, Edições Asa: Porto.

Beja et al (1996). Drama, Pois! - Jogos e Projectos de Expressão Dramática; Porto Editora, Porto.

Fragateiro et al., (1996). Ensino Artístico. Lisboa: Edições Asa. Rosa, L. & Calado, F. (sd.). Brincando Com as Expressões: Dramática, Musical, Plástica... Porto: Porto Ed.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%