Contemporaneous Portuguese Thought

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1. To know Portuguese philosophical authors;
2. To discuss major contemporary environmental problems, in factual, as well as normative perspectives;
3. To reflect analytically and critically about the studied themes, identifying the different ways of actions and its main arguments;
4. To assume practical positions with consistency and responsibility;
5. To provide consistent readings, accurate and structured thinking about the studied authores;
6. To comment the studies texts with rigor, consistency and depth;
7. To exercise critical thinking and reflective analysis.


Topics of Portuguese philosophical thought

I. The Portuguese reception to Positivism
1. Man, Society and Science: new perspectives
2. Criticisms to Positivism and valuation of Metaphysics
3. The Republican ideal
4. The rise of Science and its naturalist guide

II. From Naturalism to Environmental Philosophy: contributions of Portuguese philosophical thought
1. Natural Community. Moral community: what has changed in contemporary conceptions of nature?
2. Nature and Technique: threat or partnership?
3. "Environmental Crisis": a concept that defines the contemporary human being
4. Anthropocentrism and non-antropocentrismos: challenges and limits to the moral considerability
5. Animal Ethics: paradox or inevitability?

Teaching Methodologies

The seminar will focus on a set of mandatory texts, made available to students at the beginning of the teaching activities. Each class will be previously dedicated to a theme, within the course contents, based on texts provided to students and critically discussed in class.
The evaluation consists on the production of a written reflection, prepared by the student throughout the semester, with various preparatory versions (revised and corrected).


Beckert, Cristina, org., Ética Ambiental. Uma Ética para o Futuro, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2003.
__, Éticas e Políticas Ambientais, CFUL, Lisboa, 2004.
__, ed., Natureza e Ambiente. Representações na Cultura Portuguesa, CFUL, Lisboa, 2001, pp. 147-157.
Brandão da Luz, José Luís, Materialismo e positivismo na definição da psicologia, História do pensamento filosófico português, vol. 4/1, Lisboa, Caminho, 2004, p. 321-388.
Magalhães, Paulo, O Condomínio da Terra. Das Alterações Climáticas a uma Nova Concepção Jurídica do Planeta, Almedina, Coimbra, 2007.
Soromenho Marques, Viriato, Metamorfoses. Entre o colapso e o desenvolvimento sustentável, Europa-América, Mem-Martins, 2005.
Soromenho Marques, Viriato, Regressar à Terra. Consciência Ecológica e Política de Ambiente, Fim de Século, Lisboa, 1994.
Veríssimo Serrão, Adriana, Filosofia da Paisagem. Uma Antologia, CFUL, Lisboa, 2013



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%