History of Portugal and Built Heritage

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1 To identify the main characteristics and the temporal and spacial disposition of the events in the History of Portugal.
2 To be able to reflect on national culture and identity.
3 To identify the characteristics of given ages in the History of Portugal as well as these different ages taken as a whole.
4. To understand the main contributions of History of Portugal to present-day national and international realities.
5 To recognize the historical and artistic heritage as a singular inheritance and as an important factor for the promotion of national identity.
6 To understand historical-artistic phenomena and their historical implications.
7 To characterize different artistic styles and their representative productions.
8 To develop skills in the fields of grounded knowledge, critical reflection and appreciation of cultural values, behavioral models and achievements different from those of the present.


1-The territory and its population in the region that was later to become the Portuguese territory: Roman, Visigoth and Muslim legacies .

2-The birth of Portugal and the Christian Recovery; the consolidation of the Portuguese kingdom; the Romanic style: from religious to military and seigneurial architecture. Sculpture: from the ornamental to the symbolic.

3-The dynastic crisis and the Avis dynasty; the consolidation of the independence of Portugal.

4- Overseas expansion and the Portuguese Empire -15th and the 16th centuries; Portuguese Gothic: Alcobaça, Batalha, Évora; the Manueline style.

5- The Loss of Independence and the Dual Monarchy; Mannerism and the restoration.

6- King John V and the Baroque monarchy.

7- From King José to the transfer of the Crown to Brazil; Lisbon of Pombal and Oporto of the Almadas.

8- Restructuring in the nineteenth century to the end of the Estado Novo; Romanticism, Naturalism; new art and modernism; the programmatic art of the "Estado Novo".

Teaching Methodologies

IV.Teaching methodologies (including assessment): The teaching methodology blends expository and explanatory features, requiring the observation and analysis of texts and images / videos on the part of students. This approach is aided by direct questioning procedures, complemented by provisions for the clarification of issues during the sessions involving more pratical tasks. These sessions are student-centered, both in terms of the oportunity provided for the posing of course and task relevant questions, and of student oral interventions steming from presentations involving the analysis of documents or texts provided by the teacher (25%). The final grade is also determined on the basis of the marks obtained in two written mini tests (75%).


Almeida, A. D. de; Belo, D. (coord.) (2007). Portugal Património: guia – inventário. S.L.: Círculo de Leitores. 10 vols. Vol. I: Viana do Castelo, Braga e Porto; Vol. II: Vila Real e Bragança; Vol. III: Aveiro, Coimbra e Leiria; Vol. IV: Viseu e Guarda; Vol. V: Castelo Branco; Vol. VI: Santarém e Setúbal; Vol. VII: Lisboa; Vol. VIII: Portalegre e Évora; Vol. IX: Beja e Faro; Vol. X: Açores e Madeira.

Almeida, A.D. de; Belo, D.; Soares, M. S. (2008). Portugal: Atlas do Património. S. L.: Círculo de Leitores e Autores.

Belo, D. (2008). Portugal: olhares sobre o património. S.L.: Círculo de Leitores.

Marques, A. H. de O. (2019). Breve História de Portugal. 11ª ed. Revista e atualizada. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. [1ª ed. 1995].

Marques, A. H. de O.; Serrão, J., (dir.) (1985-2004). Nova História de Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 14 vols.

Mattoso, J. (dir,) (2001). História de Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa, 8 vols.

Pereira, P. (dir.) (2007-2008). História da Arte Portuguesa. S.L.: Círculo de Leitores, 10 vols. Vol. 1: Da Pré-História à arte Islâmica no Ocidente Andaluz; Vol. 2: O mundo Românico (sécs XI-XIII); Vol. 3: O “modo” Gótico (sécs. XIII_XV); Vol.  4:  O Manuelino (sécs. XV-XVI); vol. 5:  Renascimentos (séc. XVI); Vol. 6: Os Classicismos (sécs. XVI-XVII); Vol. 7: O Barroco (sécs. XVII-XVIII); Vol. 8; Neoclassicismo e Romantismos (séc. XIX); Vol. 9: A Ruptura Moderna (séc. XX); Vol. 10: Sentimento, autoria conceito. A velocidade da moda e as vanguardas.

Proença, M.ª C. (2015). Uma História concisa de Portugal. S.L.: Círculo de Leitores.

Ramos, R.; Sousa, B. V. e; Monteiro, N. G. (2010). História de Portugal. Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.

Rodrigues, D. (2008). Arte Portuguesa: da Pré-História ao Século XX. Fubu Editores SA.

Serrão, J. V. (1978-2008). História de Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo, 17 vols.

Serrão, J. (1985). Dicionário de História de Portugal. Porto: Livraria Figueirinhas



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%