The course is focused on teaching several topics, through formal classes and the development of capacities as
critical-thinking, integration and analysis of scientific knowledge and communication, as well as application, in the
Four didactic objectives were defined:
1) To characterize Sustainable Development, its strategies (from global to local scale) and indicators, and to relate it
to Environmental Management;
2) To distinguish the most important systems related to environmental management, at European and international
level (legal Framework, requirements) and to discuss their benefits to the organizations;
3) To understand the advantages of implementing an integrated management system.
4) To enhance the implementing of integrated management systems by the organizations.
Sustainable development: definitions and strategies. Tools for environmental management (e.g. ES, EMS, LCA,
SEA, etc.). Integrated Management Systems: quality, environment, safety and health at work, and social
responsibility. Advantages e compatibility between referentials. Common requirements; policy; documentation;
responsibility and authority; human resources; nonconformities, corrective and preventive actions, accidents,
incidents; internal audit. Planning. Quality Management System; hazard identification and assessment and risk
control; identification of environmental aspects and significance of environmental impacts; identification of
requirements (e.g. social, legal and others), objectives, targets and programs; planning products’ design and
development. Implementation. Consultancy and communication; operational control; prevention and emergency
response capacity. Verification. Monitoring and measurements; management review. Continuous improvement.
Module 1 is provided in theoretical classes that are dedicated to promote knowledge on the core concepts, in an interactive way, as students should be able to read, analyze and criticize scientific papers, as well as to research on issues based on current bibliography, analysis, discussion and synthesis, and skills for communication. These classes are complemented with two lectures by experts in environmental management. Module 2 is presented by active, expository interrogative and demonstrative methods, by developing procedures and interpretative analysis of requirements. For the evaluation of Module 1, students are asked to promote the integration and application of knowledge provided on the writing of a scientific report on environmental management, while the evaluation of module 2 is performed by a written test; both are defined at the beginning of the discipline.
Pinto A., 2012. Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental. Guia para a sua implementação. 2ª ed., 376 pp. Edições Silabo.
Santos Oliveira J.F., 2005. GestãoAmbiental. 368 pp. Lidel.
Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar, 2006. Perspectivas para a Sustentabilidade na Região Autónoma dos
Açores. 247 pp.
Soares A., Rodrigues A. P., Calmeiro A. T., Cunha F. M., Wemans H. S., Botelho M. J. & Torre T., 2011. Gestão
Ambiental e Sustentabilidade. 219 pp. Verlag Dashöfer.
Manual do Mestrando
Normas de referência para a implementação de Sistemas da Qualidade (ISO 9001:2008), Ambiente (ISO 14001:2004),
Segurança (OHSAS 18001:2007)