Orientation and Follow-up Seminar I (Project)

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1. To develop plans for intervention and research in view of the contexts involved and to discuss their quality, especially in terms of relevance, coherence and feasibility.

2. To analyze intervention situations in terms of their complexity, by identifying factors that affect them and that are useful for understanding the results obtained and their evolution, as well as decision making on the actions to be undertaken in the near future.

3. To exploit the potential of creating regulation devices for ongoing projects.

4. To discuss educational and training issues in a reasoned manner, considering the relationship between practical situations and theoretical issues.

5. To structure the production of scientific knowledge obtained from analyses and interventions in educational and training situations.


1. Logical and challenges in the construction of projects

2. Structural and structuring elements in educational situations

3. Devices for project regulation

4. Forms of reflection in action and on action and their potential

5. Procedures for accurate and contextualized data collection

Teaching Methodologies

The content topics will be mainly by reference to the work and the practical situations that are being experienced by the students. Thus, we plan to carry out thematic seminars, focusing on the concerns and focus of the projects being developed by the students, as well as the production of schemes, lesson plans and materials, among others, that reveal themselves useful for interventions and ongoing research.


Barbier, J. M. (1992). Elaboração de Projectos de Acção e Planificação. Porto: Porto Editora.

Elliott, J. (1990). La investigación-acción en educación. Madrid: Morata.

Goetz, J. P. & LeCompte, M. D. (1988). Etnografía y diseño cualitativo en investigación educativa. Madrid: Morata.

Gonçalves, F. R. (2006). A auto-observação e análise da relação educativa. Porto: Porto Editora.

Máximo-Esteves, L. (2008). Visão panorâmica da investigação-acção. Porto: Porto Editora.

Stenhouse, L. (1987). La Investigación como base de la enseñanza. Madrid: Morata.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Seminário - 25 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Document with the characterization of the intervention contexts of the ongoing project, highlighting the instruments used, their choice reazons, validity, fidelity, results and subsequent decisions or Paper analysing the design and/or the implementation of the current project, taking into account the topics explored in class.: 50%
  • Portfolio about the actions developed in fieldwork and their critical analysis, expressing obstacles, potentialities and characteristics of the results achieved so far or Progress Report, describing and justifying the actions already taken and those are expected to each objective of the project under development, as well as explaining how the literature review has guided the work done: 50%