1. To recognize the importance of science education in Preschool Education and in the teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education.
2. To Recognize the role of scientific knowledge in promoting sustainable development.
3. To criticize, in a justified fashion, curriculum guidelines, methodologies, learning experiences and didactic resources related to the area.
4. To Plan, implement and evaluate learning experiences according to the current outlook from research in teaching.
5. To analyze situations related to issues in science education.
6. To use appropriate terminology in the teaching of science.
7. To identify didactical resources for teaching in science education.
1. Introduction to the Didactics of Environmental Studies: The Study of Environment as the axis of an interdisciplinary approach for the integration of knowledge;
2. Current Perspectives on the Study of Environment: Its integrative and interdisciplinary nature. The study of the Environment as a means of promoting skills that integrate knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be. Critical analysis of school science programs;
3. Design, development and regulation of educational projects regarding the study of the Environment: Programing learning experiences / activities and developing didactic materials; Assessment of processes and products;
4. Strategies and methodologies that promote knowledge: the importance of play and other practical and experimental activities;
5. Communication and the study of the Environment: the role and nature of language in this context;
6. Means and resources for the teaching and learning of science.
Aside from expository instruction, the following learning activities will be highlighted: Critical analysis of the current curriculum guidelines, individual / group reflections and teacher guided discussions; analysis, critique and discussion of contributions from educational research; planning and implementation of activities; analysis and critique of didactic resources and methodologies related to Environmental Studies. Formative evaluation will take into account the participation of students in different activities.
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Cardoso, C. (1988). Em direcção à História através do meio: um trajecto indispensável no Ensino Básico. O Professor (104), 19-24.
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Egan, K. (1994). O uso da narrativa como técnica de ensino. Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote.
Harlen, W. (1994). Enseñanza y aprendizage de las ciencias. Madrid: Ediciones Morata.
Márquez, A. (2008). El uso de maquetas en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del sistema nervioso. Alambique, 58, 67-76.
Martins, I. & Veiga, M. (1999). Uma análise do currículo da escolaridade básica na perspectiva da Educação em ciência. Lisboa: Instituto de Inovação Educacional.
Mattoso, J. (1999). A função social da História no mundo de hoje. Lisboa: Associação de Professores de história.