Medieval history of Portugal

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Students should acquire / develop various generic skills, including:

1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis;

2. Ability to deal with complex information;

3. Concerns of quality and rigor;

4. Quality of written and oral expression;

5. Familiarity with the new technologies of information and communication;

6. Opening interdisciplinary;

7. Sense of initiative;

Learning should also help as to bring specific skills:

1. Comprehensive knowledge of Medieval History of Portugal, is a factual level, is in the understanding;

2. Perception of social utility of knowledge of the past;

3. Scientific and technical expertise in the operation of various types of historical sources;

4. Ability to promote reflection of historical issues and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge concerning the past;

5. Ability to think autonomously on the subjects studied.


1. Introduction

1.1. Geographical circumstances of the construction of medieval Portugal.

1.2. The West Peninsular between Islam and Christianity (IX-XII century).

2. The formation of Portugal (XII-XIII centuries)

2.1. Conjuncture: reconquista, war and emergence of the Portuguese monarchy, the royalty statement.

2.2. The weight of rurality.

2.3. Manorial system.

2.4. Lords and dependents.

2.5. Municipalities.

2.6. Urban world and the market economy.

2.7. Royalty.

3. Final crisis and recovery in the Middle Ages (XIV-XV centuries)

3.1. Conjuncture: crisis and viability of the kingdom by expanding overseas.

3.2. Rurality.

3.3. Affirmation of the urban world.

3.4. Space and landscapes.

3.5. The social tissue.

3.4. Monarchy and "neo-senhorialismo."

4. Epilogue: Between the Middle Ages and the Modern Times

4.1. Conjuncture: times of "globalization."

4.2. A new Portugal?

Teaching Methodologies

The expositive method is accompanied by interactive method, in order to ensure a participated and critical learning. The theoretical lessons will articulate with both the reading program the students either with the approach of informational materials of different nature, with a view to addressing multifaceted problems of history and culture. The reflection should, where possible, extend to the process of scientific development: towards understanding the foundations on which we build the knowledge concerning medieval history of the country and the need to continually question the knowledge gained.


Dicionário de História de Portugal, dir. Joel Serrão, 4 vols., Lisboa, 1961-1971.

GARCIA DE CORTÁZAR, José Ángel, La época medieval. Historia de España Alfaguara, vol. II, Madrid, 1981.

JORGE, Ana Maria C. M., e RODRIGUES, Ana Maria S. A. (coord.), Formação e Limites da Cristandade, vol. I, da História Religiosa de Portugal, dir. por Carlos Moreira Azevedo, Lisboa, 2000.

MATTOSO, José, A identificação de um país. Ensaio sobre as origens de Portugal (1096-1325), 2 vols., 5.ª ed., Lisboa, 1995.

MATTOSO, José (dir.), História de Portugal, Lisboa, 1992-1993, vols. I, II e III .

SERRÃO, Joel, e MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira, (dir.), Nova História de Portugal, Lisboa, 1986-1996, vols. II, III, IV e V.

SOUSA, Bernardo Vasconcelos e, “Idade Média (séculos XI-XV)” in História de Portugal, cord. por Rui Ramos, Lisboa, 2009, pp. 15-196.

SOUSA, Bernardo Vasconcelos e (coord.), A Idade Média, vol. I da História da Vida Privada em Portugal, dir. por José Mattoso, Lisboa, 2010.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • 2nd Frequency: 40%
  • Involvement and critical approach of the subjects studied: 20%