Urban History

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Students should acquire / develop various generic skills, including:

- Capacity for analysis and synthesis;

- Ability to deal with complex information;

- Concerns of quality and rigor;

- Quality of written and oral expression;

- Familiarity with the new technologies of information and communication;

- Opening interdisciplinary;

- Sense of initiative;

Learning should also help as to bring specific skills:

- Ability to understand the evolution of the city, its forms and codes of urban production, from its origins in An-cient Middle East by the end of the Modern Age;

- Perception of the social utility of knowledge of the urban past;

- Scientific and technical skills in the operation of various types of sources for the city;

- Capabilities promote reflection of urban problems and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on the city;

- Ability to think autonomously on the subjects studied.


1. introduction

2. The ancient city

2.1. Origin of the city in the Middle East

2.2. The Greek polis

2.3. Hellenistic cities

2.4. Rome: urbs and imperium

2.5. The towns in the West Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity

3. Between the ancient city and the medieval city

3.1. Ruralisation emptying of the West and the ancient cities

3.2. Byzantine and Islamic cities

3.3. Cities in the West Iberian Peninsula

4. The medieval city, Christian

4.1. Revival of urban life in the West

4.2. Medieval town

4.3. Flowering urban setting up the network of urban Portugal

4.4. Spaces, and everyday urban experiences

5. The city at the dawn of modernity

5.1. The European city in times of "globalization"

5.2. The Renaissance: ideal city and real cities

5.3. Cities of the XVth and XVIth century Portugal

6. The city at the dawn of modernity

6.1. Absolute power and staging - the baroque city and Illuminist.

6.2. Portuguese cities of the Kingdom and Overseas. The Pombal Lisbon.

Teaching Methodologies

The expositive method is accompanied by interactive method, in order to ensure a participated and critical learning. The theoretical lessons will articulate with both the reading program the students either with the ap-proach of informational materials of different nature, with a view to addressing multifaceted problems of urban history.


BENEVOLO, Leonardo, A cidade na história da Europa, Lisboa, 1995.

CHUECA GOITIA , Francisco, Breve história do urbanismo, Lisboa, 1982.

MORRIS, A. E. J., Historia de la forma urbana. Desde sus orígenes hasta la Revolución Industrial, 7.ª ed., Barcelona, 2001.

MUMFORD, Lewis, A cidade na história, suas origens, transformações e perspectivas, 4.ª ed., 2.ª tiragem, São Paulo, 2004.

ROSSA, Walter, "A cidade portuguesa", in História da Arte Portuguesa, dir. por Paulo Pereira, vol. III, Lisboa, 1995, pp. 233-323.

TEIXEIRA, Manuel C., VALLA, Margarida, O urbanismo português, séculos XIII-XVIII, Portugal-Brasil, Lisboa, 1999. Universo urbanístico português, 1415-1822. Colectânea de estudos, Lisboa, 1998



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Test: 40%
  • 2nd Test: 40%
  • Presence, participation and critical approach to the topics studied: 20%