All teaching staff of the curricular unit, since the subject is taught on a tutorial basis. The student chooses the tutor according to the area in which he/she wants to carry out his/her study. Tutorial hours are not accounted for in the service distribution for the teaching staff.
Doesn't apply
At the start of the 6th semester students must deliver an ante-project, approved by their tutor, where they summarize their objectives, methods and propose a chronogram. This corresponds to 10% of the final note. By the end of the semester and in agreement with the calendar of academic activities annually approved by the Dean, the project is delivered to the course Director to whom competes its evaluation together with the tutor. If the Director of the course is himself a tutor he must indicate another Professor from this course to complete the above mentioned evaluation jury. This is in fact a tutorial teaching approach with permanent accompaniment. Since I am in charge of directing this course that this system has been revealed as extremely efficient and has already produced many highly qualified and relevant works.
A bibliografia varia em função da especificidade do tema do Projeto escolhido por cada aluno. O tutor acompanha o aluno na obtenção das referências mais atualizadas.
Bibliography varies in function of the specificities of the Project theme chosen by each student. The tutor accompanies the student in the obtention of the pertinent and most recent references for his/her work.