The Idea of Europe

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The unit presents four major objectives.

First, to know and situate the process of European integration in its historical, civilizational and political contexts of the idea of Europe. To explore Europe, both as an idea, already millenary, and as a reality that has been built ever since the middle of the XX century.

Second, to dominate the main projects devised for building Europe throughout the centuries, from the mythological visions of Antiquity, to the Treaty of Lisbon, including the works of Podiebrad, the Abbot of Saint-Pierre, Kant, up to Habermas, Acílio Rocha and Viriato Soromenho-Marques.

Third, it strives to promote in the students an understanding of the historical roles played by our country and by the Azores in this process, as well as of those that they both may be called upon to fulfill in the European scenario.

Finally, to motivate students to develop their own thought and, in this manner, to promote the development of a critical and committed European citizenship.


1. General Introduction

2. Genesis of the Idea of Europe

3. The first Europe: Respublica christiana

4. The Second Europe: Europe of the States

5. Visions of Europe. Recourse to utopia to correct reality

6. From the Ideal of Europe to the construction of the European Union

7. Models of European Integration

8. The Third Europe: the European Union

9. Portugal and Europe

10. Europe of the Regions, Europe with the Regions

11. The Azores and Europe

12. Europe, the United States and the West

13. Conclusion, European Union, what of the Future?

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes, for the exposition of contents; theoretical-practical classes, of questioning, analysis and commentary of texts, and tutorial sessions destined to guide the research activities of the students, both individually and in groups. Interactive methodology, centered on the students.

Learning activities adopted include the development of a variety of initiatives with the students, including:

1. Exposition of the students to guest professors and specialists, with a view towards the treatment of new perspectives and approaches;

2. Elaboration of research projects;

3. Organization of meetings for the public presentation and discussion of the work of the students;

4. Development of activities of extension to the community, namely within the commemorations of the day of Europe, visits to the local High Schools, with the teaching of classes on The Azores and the EU.


Denys Hay, Europe, the Emergence of an Idea, Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh Press, 1957;

Denis de Rougemont, The Idea of Europe, Cleveland e New York, Meridian Books, 1966;

Dusan Sidjansky, O futuro federalista da Europa, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2002;

Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro, A ideia de Europa. Uma perspectiva histórica, Coimbra, Quarteto, 2003;

Acílio Rocha, "Filosofia da Europa, questões da Europa", in Diacrítica, Vol. 17/2, 2003;

Immanuel Kant, “A paz perpétua”, in A paz perpétua e outros opúsculos, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1995.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 75%
  • Research work: 25%