English II

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At a low-intermediate level of linguistic proficiency, English II students should:

Listening: Understand simple sentences, basic vocabulary and frequently used expressions related to area of study. Follow clearly articulated speech and participate in simple dialogues.

Speaking: Communicate ideas and opinions on familiar and pertinent matters. Ask and answer questions and respond to direct statements within a certain context, with limited ability to keep conversation going of own accord. Reading: Read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to student’s interests and field of study with an adequate level of comprehension. Identify the main thesis of a written text and elaborate an outline of the main points presented.

Writing: Write straightforward texts on a range of familiar subjects within student’s area of study by linking ideas into a linear sequence. Write accounts of experiences describing feelings and reactions in a simple connected text.


English Grammar:
1. Count vs. Non-count Nouns
2. Expressions of measurement and quantity
3. Indefinite Article usage
4. Definite Article usage
5. Pronoun forms
6. Adjectives and word order
7. Definite article and adjectives
8. Nouns used as adjectives
9. Review and consolidation of Verb Tenses
10. Verbs and Expressions followed by Gerund vs. Infinitive
11. Prepositions of place and time
12. Phrasal Verbs, level 2
Language Functions:
1. Dealing with clients, being friendly and helpful and responding to enquiries and complaints
2. Organizing events, confirming arrangements and writing emails/letters
3. Using the phone, taking messages and presenting information and news items
4. Describing Azorean customs, culture and food traditions and eating out
5. Considering aspects of European reality, yesterday and today
6. Analyzing Azorean and Portuguese reality in the context of Europe today

Teaching Methodologies

According to foreign language teaching methodology, classes follow a controlled presentation of the English language by the teacher, leading to less-controlled and free practice among the students. To reduce 1st language interference, attention is given to contrastive analysis and error analysis of problematic areas for Portuguese speakers. Sessions include explication of grammar aspects, exemplification of grammar in use, practice exercises of varied types (completion, matching, substitution, transformation, reorganization etc.), and activities structured around pair or group work (dialogues, improvisations, sketches, interviews, role-plays, games, presentations, discussions and debates). Students are expected to participate actively in class; non-working students must attend at least 75% of the classes. The final grade is based on class participation, a mid-term and a final exam, or on a written exam and oral exam taken during Exam Period.



EASTWOOD, J. (2003). Oxford Practice Grammar, Oxford UP.

KAY, S. & JONES, V. (2000). Inside Out, New York: MacMillan Publishers.


AZAR, B. (1990). Understanding and Using English Grammar, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

BRYSON, B. (2000). The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way, Harper Collins.

COIMBRA, O. & COIMBRA, I. (2000). Gramática Activa 1 & 2, Lisboa: Lidel.

Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea (2001), Lisboa: Verbo.

LEECH, G. & SVARTVIK, J. (1996). A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman.

LongmanDictionary of Contemporary English (1995). Essex: Longman.

NAYLOR, H. (2007). Essential Grammar in Supplementary Exercises, Cambridge UP.

SWAN, M. (1995) Practical English Usage, Oxford UP.

SIMAS, R. English and Portuguese: 2 World Languages (level 4 of six levels of lessons).

WEINER, E. & DELAHUNTY, A. (1994). The Oxford Guide to English Usage, Oxford UP.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 50%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%