Introduction to Management

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This course main objective is to provide the students with an overall overview of a diversity of key issues that are relevant on the various areas of management. And this way providing the students with knowledge on the following areas: Management and its objectives, the managers role in an organization, historical overview of management though and practices, coordination between planning, strategy and company’s structure.

This course proposes to invest the students with competencies in the following areas: identification of key success factors in today’s management, innovative problem solving and critical analysis of alternative solutions.


I. Organizational management, main concepts

Organization and its objectives

Organizational Macrostructur

Management, eficiency and effectiveness

Managerial role


Calssic theories:

Cientifica management

Classic Theory

Burocratic Theory

Behavioral theories

Human relation theory

Behavioral theory

Organizational development models

Pragmatic theories

Neoclassic theories

Management by Objectives

Sistemic theory

General theory of systems

Contigecy theory

New management aproaches

III. Systems: Individual, group and organizational

Motivation theories


Lidership theories

Negotiation strategies

Corporate social responsability

IV. Planing, strategy and decision making

Why planing, levels of planing

Contigency aproach and the incertanty levels

Planing: main elements

Strategic Management and planning

Strategic planning process and its human dimention

V. Organizational structures

Selection models

Teaching Methodologies

On a first stage the teacher transmits the key ideas on the subject opening the way to an open dialog with the students wherein their relevant personal experiences and points of view are explored.

The teacher uses a diversity of media such as text, PowerPoint presentation and videos, to communicate in order to reinforce the issues lectured contributing this way for a more efficient acquisition of knowledge.

In order to develop competencies such as critical analyses, diagnostic and problem solving, case studies, role-play and simulation games are used. To consolidate the knowledge acquired in this course in a final stages the students are asked to develop a group class Project.


Kreitner, R. (2009) Management, Houghton Mifflin Company, 11th Edition

Teixeira, Sebastião (2010) Gestão das Organizações, McGraw-Hill, 2ª Edição.

Freire, Adriano (2008) Estratégia, Sucesso em Portugal, Verbo, 12 Edição

Chiavenato,I. (2011) Introdução à Teoria Geral da Administração, Elsevier, 8ª Edição



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 70%
  • Paper: 30%