Portuguese Foreign Policies

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The program consists in the characterization and interpretation of Portuguese Foreign Policy, since the dawn of nationality to the present day. Therefore, the main goal is for students to understand Portuguese foreign relations, first when Portugal was limited to the Iberian frontiers, then during the long time of expansion of Portuguese supremacy throughout seas and continents, finally when there was the recent return to European territory. However, the typology of the course determines a bigger attention to be focused on modern and contemporary chronologies, since these represent more accurately the position of Portugal nowadays in Europe and in the World, which allows additionally the analysis and the criticism of the main options.

The explanation of the topics is made with the intention to systematize the knowledge, as well as to adopt an attitude of problematization in order to understand and connect the facts and the contexts in different times and places.


1. Geopolítica de Portugal: enquadramento histórico e as linhas de orientação permanente da política externa portuguesa.

2. Portugal e os grandes conflitos mundiais:

3. Portugal e a ordem internacional pós 1945:

4. Fim do império português:

5. Portugal e a Integração Europeia:

6. Portugal democrático e o atlantismo.

7. Lusofonia:

8. Portugal e Espanha - coabitação peninsular:

9. Portugal democrático e a abertura ao mundo:

10. Outras prioridades da política externa portuguesa:

11. Portugal e a ligação ao Vaticano.

12. Conceito estratégico de Defesa Nacional.

Teaching Methodologies

In a broad curricular unit such as Portuguese Foreign Policy, a faithful and organized transmission of the contents of the syllabus is essential in order to achieve the goal of global comprehension, based on the appropriate combination of the several parts inherent to the syllabus. Besides, the professor is an advisor who warns students about the diversity of perspectives, allowing students to develop an ability to problematize, and about the precarious nature of historical knowledge, which determines the permanent revision of such knowledge. Consequently, lectures include the presentation of the topics of the syllabus by the professor. During these moments students are allowed to intervene as a way to promote debate and clarify issues. In addition, discussion is promoted through more practical activities, such as the analysis of texts, as well as events and dates, which contributes to the understanding of the syllabus.


ALBUQUERQUE, Luís de (org.), Portugal no Mundo, 6 vols., Lisboa, Publicações Alfa, 1989

BARATA, Manuel Themudo; TEIXEIRA, Nuno Severiano (orgs.), Nova História Militar de Portugal, 5 vols., Lisboa Círculo de Leitores, 2003

CARNEIRO, Roberto; MATOS, Artur Teodoro de (orgs.), Memória de Portugal, o Milénio Português, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2001.

MACEDO, Jorge Borges de, História Diplomática Portuguesa. Constantes e Linhas de Força – Estudo de Geopolítica, Lisboa, I.D.N., 1987

MAGALHÃES, José Calvet de, Breve História Diplomática de Portugal, Lisboa, Publicações Europa-América, 1990

MARQUES, A.H. de Oliveira; SERRÃO, Joel (dir.), Nova História de Portugal, vols. I-V, VII, IX-XII, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1985-2004

MARTINEZ, Pedro Soares, História Diplomática de Portugal, Lisboa, Editorial Verbo, 1986

MATTOSO, J (dir.), História de Portugal, 8 vols., Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1992-94

TELO, AJ, História Contemporânea de Portugal, 2 vols., Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 2007



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 50%
  • Oral presentation (1.1), which will then be given a form of “content analysis” written (1.2), about chapter (s) of a book referenced in the bibliography (or another one proposed to the teacher, and accepted), about the program's theme: 50%