Laboratory of Sociology II

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The course of Laboratory of Sociology II main objective is to provide students with a space of research, application and reflection allow the production of the research project developed in the discipline of Laboratory of Sociology I. To this end, specific objectives are defined as the following:

1. To assist students in identifying the most appropriate procedures of planning to facilitate the management and feasibility of research projects

2. Develop students theoretical and practical skills of collecting, processing and analyzing of quantitative and qualitative data;

3. To provide a forum for discussion on the theoretical and methodological knowledge of students and their critical skills are developed

4. Assist students in developing a sociological research work to mobilize the knowledge acquired in various courses of the degree course in Sociology.


1. Theories, sociological currents and questioning. The selection methodology and its relationship with the current sociological

2. The instruments for data collection: suitability for the construction and tuning

3. The selection of the sample and the sampling process

4. Field work: research ethics and procedures for data collection

5. Treatment and data analysis

6. Interpretation of results

7. The writing and presentation of a sociological research

8. Supervision of a pratical work

Teaching Methodologies

In this course, the teaching by the teacher focuses in the presentation of materials and in the supervision of the implementation of practical work by the students.


Bardin, Laurence (1977), Análise de conteúdo. Lisboa: Edições 70.

Ghiglione, Rodolphe e Matalon, Benjamin (2000), O inquérito. Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta.

Moreira, Carlos (2007), Teorias e práticas de investigação. Lisboa: ISCSP, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.

Pinto, R. (2009). Introdução à Análise de Dados com recurso ao SPSS. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

Poirier, Jean, Clapier-Calladon, Simone e Raybaut, Paul (1999), Histórias de vida. Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta ed..

Sampieri, Roberto Hernandez, Collado, Carlos Fernandez e Lucio, Pilar Baptista (2006), Metodologia de pesquisa. São Paulo: Mc Graw-Hill.

Silva, Augusto Santos e Pinto, José Madureira (Org.) (1986), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.

Vicente, Paula, Reis, Elizabeth e Ferrão, Fátima (1996), Sondagens. A amostragem como factor decisivo de qualidade. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Laboratory Performance and Participation: 20%
  • Research work: 80%